The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
nothing new to share yet. i plan to take all my work into some maker space. i think i have some useful information to share.

couple of days ago i was vaping on the balcony and thought of a new way to fabricate the cube body. i realized that my cnc router makes it possible to revisit the lessons learned on the cylinder model, with a channel milled for a metal midbody. it eliminates some boring steps and buying new woodworking equipment ... or working with a woodworker. and needs fewer milling steps. 2 or 3 times faster to fabricate.

so, i have to do some drawings, generate some GCODE and make some samples.

i have been consumed by studying biology for the last 5 years - as it turns out, a life or death pursuit. and i MUST wrap up some computer projects.

current cube is still going strong. use it 5 to 6 times per day, every day. but this new idea for the cube is burning a hole in my mind. soon, he says, soon.

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
update time ...

my cube was starting to act wonky (technical term - meaning some type of operator assistance (i.e. whack on side with knuckle) was needed for functional operation). so for the first time in several years i took it apart and found the copper connector holding one end of the heater coil had unsoldered from the pcb - must have been a cold-ish solder joint when fabricated - and a thousand heat/cold cycles let it loose. resoldered, reassembled and now running as expected.

i was happy to see there was no infiltration of cannabis, or even dust, inside the cube. ordered and received some 1.7mm router bits for the CNC router for the next iteration of the cube design. this is very exciting - eliminates some drilling steps, wood working steps, detailing steps - could be a game changer.

ordered some 6mm x 6.5" x 15" cherry sheets to try the new cube design. getting back into doing design updates, writing a lot of documentation, and some prototyping.

sometimes X is useful. the AI showed me a new knot: the constrictor. i have been waiting for the perfect knot to appear. it is necessary to bind the two wires of the power cable. zip ties are too cumbersome - bad esthetic. i use WS Deans 16ga ultrawire - 720 strands and wonderful silicon insulation so it is super flexible. but this makes tying the two wires together, well, impossible until the X post ... appears to be problem solved.

how the AI knew to show me this knot, now, i don't know. it's a tease - could have shown me this years ago.

details to follow.
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