Oh ok, well that makes me feel better. Ya it was just the one bowl. Tried a few hits on demand and then finished it with the cruise mode.
Oh ok but shouldnt the watts be higher? When it was on cruise it was getting below 10 watts?I'm sorry if I misunderstood, but are you just asking if it's normal for it to get warm? You weren't getting an error message were you? I saw that the first response was to go into your settings and I think that was a mistake based on what I read at least... The last page of it lol
I find the nub does get hot personally and don't use it with my tetra, I prefer the bent stems. If you use the nub, better to go on demand and not cruise in my experience. Yes the whole device gets warm when cruising, normal for glass.
It was too hot for his lips at 370F......I'm sorry if I misunderstood, but are you just asking if it's normal for it to get warm? You weren't getting an error message were you? I saw that the first response was to go into your settings and I think that was a mistake based on what I read at least... The last page of it lol
Oh ok but shouldnt the watts be higher? When it was on cruise it was getting below 10 watts?
It was too hot for his lips at 370F......
Gotcha, then why he had no vapor? that's why i started "debugging".. lol
Hot nub + no vapor = problem
@Redline you got another mod & vape or something to check these batteries ?
I dontbut I ordered more of the 30qs from that site.
at 190C? I had magical flavor with TuboEvic. not biggest cloud, but... you sure there's a chance that the device is hot and no vapor production? i mean... i dunno if to tell him to drop these batteries to the trash.With a vape like this I tend to presume user error, since there can be a learning curve, and so many different ways to use it... Typically can take several bowls
at 190C? I had magical flavor with TuboEvic. not biggest cloud, but... you sure there's a chance that the device is hot and no vapor production? i mean... i dunno if to tell him to drop these batteries to the trash.
So I bought some more 30Q samsung batteries hoping they work better, they say they're only 15A as well, but isnt that what he sells on his site with the tetras?I think you need a battery with 20A continuous discharge capability. There are batteries that go as high as Continuous discharge of 35 A.
The batteries you bought say continuous discharge of 15 A though the Amazon detail page also shows one spot where these are called 20
A batteries but in another 3 or 4 places it reads 15A. I think this is not the highest quality battery. I agree about getting some better batteries. There are many reliable sources to buy from. Only buy name brands as the electric requirements are very specific for vaping.
Well I know I didnt change any of the settings, I just got it.
So I bought some more 30Q samsung batteries hoping they work better, they say they're only 15A as well, but isnt that what he sells on his site with the tetras?
Sweet thanks! So do you think the batteries I bought off of amazon are fine?30Q are underrated at 15A they are actually 18A (LG HG2 is similarly overrated at 20A and is also actually 18A) which will be fine. However something like Samsung 25R and LG HE4 are true 20A so they may work a bit better, though they have less capacity so it is a trade off. I mostly use HE4 in my Tetra, swapping between a few of them I can charge separately in my nitecore D2... Anyway yes the 30Q is fine!