Tafée Bowle


Well-Known Member
Pls refresh my foggy mind.
? Proper startup procedure please.

My unknown push got blue lights going quickly in motion.

Did the ccc procedure again, plugged back in

Will try later with correct ON sequence
Thank you
Would love to Get my bowl working again
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I too am working on it, but the instructions
Puck Base Unit won't chargeIt may have entered a low power lockout or puck base unit charges too slow.
  1. Plug the Puck Base Unit in to charge (You must use the supplied charger and cable)
  2. After 15 seconds, disconnect the Puck from charging, wait 10 seconds and then plug it back in to the charger.
  3. Leave the Puck connected to charge for at least 6 hours. This should allow It to trickle charge until it come out of low power lockout. Leave Puck Base Unit idle on charger and do not try to check or inspect charge levels at for at least 1 hour.
If you notice the Puck indicating charging after a few minutes to an hour after you connect it to charge, do not fire the device. Wait for it to charge for at least 2 hours.Then before use, proceed to reset the Puck.To reset the Puck, disconnect it from charger and have the Puck unlocked on standby.Click both the "Fire" Large, and "Power level" Small buttons quickly in rapid succession at least 5 times.Reset is successful if the Puck shuts down and cannot power back on after "clicking" the "fire" button 3 times in rapid succession.Plug the Puck back in to wake it up and if necessary, continue charging until the battery level indicates full charge before proceeding to use it.When you begin using your Bowle. We recommend you avoid completely depleting your battery during your sessions. We also recommend waiting for a few minutes after your last inhalation for the Puck cells to stabilize before connecting it to begin recharging.
are difficult for me, as I keep having to leave for appointments. I can handle the 15 second, and then the 10 second part, but watching the clock for the 6 hour "first attempt" is difficult to manage.
I won't give up... I am trying!

The lights just came on! I have a working Tafée Bowle once again!
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
It's great that you passed it direct to Bowle, hopefully we'll get a travel case eventually 🙏

I appreciate the insight on the brightness, I wasn't appreciating that the bright LEDs are helpful darker liquids. I've only had water in my cup so far.

Regarding the battery, are you using other devices during the day? If I use only the TB then I have to charge it daily. I know people have mentioned battery life in terms of pots or hits, but I've not tried to quantify my usage yet. I'm always topping up the bowls with fresh flower/hash or swapping pots around which doesn't help in keeping track haha.

I'm not really concerned with the battery, it just wasn't what I was expecting after reading everything. The TB2 has 8x the battery capacity of the OG ( think), but I doubt anyone would say you're getting 8x the usage right? I've not used an OG so I'm basing this solely on what I've read here. I know I have to charge or swap batteries in any of my other portables if I'm using only those during the day so the TB2 definitely isn't worse that what I'm used to.

I mostly owe my TB2 to you personally Dr G. Your positive and excited comments here convinced me this was the device I was looking for :D
Greetings, I think you made a great decision getting a Tafee Bowle...I personally am convinced. It is a big part of my daily rotation. I do use Vapman, and when in my car I bring along Venty. The Bowle I enjoy all day long with my liquids...I am certain that if anything ever went wrong with my unit that I will have exceptional customer service. I was worried a bit because for a while we did not hear anything from the company, and I was heartbroken thinking that I lucked out of that experience of having one. All I ever read were fantastic reviews...then, when I did hear back with a personal email...well, I sparked up! I was able to obtain one and everything changed! This unit was something I was looking for....the FLAVOR!!!! Anyway, I can blab on about it...but, its sensational and I am happy you purchased yours. By my experience also, buy additional cups...why? You never know if you will crack it accidentally. I purchased an additional cup...just in case. I don't want to be a moment without mine. Cheers...Bowle on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Greetings, I think you made a great decision getting a Tafee Bowle...I personally am convinced. It is a big part of my daily rotation. I do use Vapman, and when in my car I bring along Venty. The Bowle I enjoy all day long with my liquids...I am certain that if anything ever went wrong with my unit that I will have exceptional customer service. I was worried a bit because for a while we did not hear anything from the company, and I was heartbroken thinking that I lucked out of that experience of having one. All I ever read were fantastic reviews...then, when I did hear back with a personal email...well, I sparked up! I was able to obtain one and everything changed! This unit was something I was looking for....the FLAVOR!!!! Anyway, I can blab on about it...but, its sensational and I am happy you purchased yours. By my experience also, buy additional cups...why? You never know if you will crack it accidentally. I purchased an additional cup...just in case. I don't want to be a moment without mine. Cheers...Bowle on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Dr G, I'm pretty much only using the TB2 all day which would explain our differences with battery. I think I'll be getting a Vapman when I can to round out my collection too :)

I feel the same with Vapefiend, their CS has always treated me well so I felt confident dropping so much on a bit of a gamble. It was painful seeing people having issues with the early batch but it seems Bowle managed to correct things, the later batch seems solid so far.

I'm super glad we both lucked out 🙏 I'll be getting some spares soon, I'm excited to try the glassware when it's available as well.

Bowle on Dr G!


Comfortably Numb
Look who is back from the wellness retreat in Canadia!

It was a seamless process with constant updates and instant replies from Tafée CS.
We separated on 30th May to be reunited yesterday, on 12th June. Fast turnaround in my books, considering it was almost 9k miles trip.
I was gifted free pots, screens, spare mouthpiece, etc. as an apology.

The only downside is there has been a spike in our maple syrup consumption since then..


Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Look who is back from the wellness retreat in Canadia!

It was a seamless process with constant updates and instant replies from Tafée CS.
We separated on 30th May to be reunited yesterday, on 12th June. Fast turnaround in my books, considering it was almost 9k miles trip.
I was gifted free pots, screens, spare mouthpiece, etc. as an apology.

The only downside is there has been a spike in our maple syrup consumption since then..

Greetings, and enjoy your Bowle...love that syrup.

The gifts that Bowle gives out is so very thoughtful and generous. The customer service alone is very good, and it feels so very PERSONAL when they deal with you. It makes me want to come back for more. They care about their customers...that is my take on them. Truly excellent. Anyway, enjoy Bowle...


Well-Known Member
I was wrong!

He's NOT dead, Jim

Thanks to @Vitolo reaching out to Bruno at Tafee about charging problems with old series 1 Bowles, who directed Vito and me to the troubleshooting section on their site (D'Ohhh!)

My old Bowle didn't seem to charge, but then I read troubleshooting steps ... Plug in for 15 seconds, unplug and wait 10 seconds, replug and charge for for six hours


I feel pretty dumb now, not reading that before

Hope this helps others with unchargeable older Bowles
Question. At what point do the blue indicator light show up? After plugging it back in after 10 seconds or sometime during the next 6 hours?

Never mind… blue lights blinking now!!! Thanks Choo Choo!!! I was too lazy to trouble shoot. And just took it out of rotation. I’m stoked!
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Active Member
I’ve realised what’s causing the double buzzing to happen.

If I press and hold the button down but roll my finger on the button slightly as I move around, it’s possible to adjust the button pressure so the tactile button doesn’t click to indicate release, but the software isn’t registering a press (so the heater cuts off/aqua leds).

If I then adjust my hold slightly (just from moving around with the weight of the unit between my finger on the button and thumb on the stem), the software senses a second press without any tactile button feel/sound happening… but it then haptic buzzes a second time as the heater is starting again.

Luckily the button is sensitive enough that it’s more likely to just cause the heater to trigger twice than hold it in that weird limbo.

Can anyone else reproduce this behaviour or have noticed this at all?

Now I understand it, I can reproduce the limbo state easily. Maybe my button isn’t 100% right as I seem to trigger this double buzz often with the way I naturally hold it :shrug:

If I press and hold the button firmly like I do when I’m being more cautious moving around in the house, it’s not really possible to trigger the limbo state even when adjusting finger pressure purposefully. The software and hardware see the input the same way consistently.

Hopefully getting some input from other TB2 users here will help clarify if this is a hardware issue with my button or a more general bug in the software.

Edit: thinking about it further, it has to be an issue with the hardware of the button and not software. But it’ll be interesting to see if this is just how the button is for everyone.


Question. At what point do the blue indicator light show up? After plugging it back in after 10 seconds or sometime during the next 6 hours?
sometime during the next 6 hours... OR, if it does not follow the other steps involving 2 buttons:
Puck Base Unit won't chargeIt may have entered a low power lockout or puck base unit charges too slow.
  1. Plug the Puck Base Unit in to charge (You must use the supplied charger and cable)
  2. After 15 seconds, disconnect the Puck from charging, wait 10 seconds and then plug it back in to the charger.
  3. Leave the Puck connected to charge for at least 6 hours. This should allow It to trickle charge until it come out of low power lockout. Leave Puck Base Unit idle on charger and do not try to check or inspect charge levels at for at least 1 hour.
If you notice the Puck indicating charging after a few minutes to an hour after you connect it to charge, do not fire the device. Wait for it to charge for at least 2 hours.Then before use, proceed to reset the Puck.To reset the Puck, disconnect it from charger and have the Puck unlocked on standby.Click both the "Fire" Large, and "Power level" Small buttons quickly in rapid succession at least 5 times.Reset is successful if the Puck shuts down and cannot power back on after "clicking" the "fire" button 3 times in rapid succession.Plug the Puck back in to wake it up and if necessary, continue charging until the battery level indicates full charge before proceeding to use it.When you begin using your Bowle. We recommend you avoid completely depleting your battery during your sessions. We also recommend waiting for a few minutes after your last inhalation for the Puck cells to stabilize before connecting it to begin recharging.
I was on that second step... I can't even remember exactly what I was doing, and the lights came on. I've been using it since.


Well-Known Member
@johnnyCanuck had success, but for other readers, to answer his question -- If the lockout reset procedure worked, you should see slow charge blinking after a few minutes during the 6 hour step. The troubleshooting guide said you may have to do the reset a second time. Also, The blinking charging lights may go out after a few minutes if unit was in "off" state -- don't worry, it's just odd normal behavior for series 2 Bowle, as lights stay blinking if unit is "on"

@nicanaca0 - I tried to replicate your button pressing and finger rolling during "press & hold" draws, but could not produce any cutoff. I have bad tremors, and even holding a button in is irritating. So, if anyone could reproduce the issue you described, it would be me. Finger tip slid off and repressed, but that's on me

I always use the single press method. One press to start, one press to stop. That "one press to stop" is great for clearing draw at finish, and it's a welcome new feature in series 2


Active Member
@nicanaca0 - I tried to replicate your button pressing and finger rolling during "press & hold" draws, but could not produce any cutoff. I have bad tremors, and even holding a button in is irritating. So, if anyone could reproduce the issue you described, it would be me. Finger tip slid off and repressed, but that's on me

I always use the single press method. One press to start, one press to stop. That "one press to stop" is great for clearing draw at finish, and it's a welcome new feature in series 2
Thanks for confirming @ChooChooCharlie. I kind of knew deep down I might be alone in this as no one else here has mentioned the double buzzing at all.

I’ve been using the press on, press off method more today which has been super consistent.

I think I’ll aim to get this on video and send it to Vapefiend to see what they think. I’m going to hate being without my TB2, it’s bad enough when it’s on charge :lol:


Old & In the Way
I always use the single press method. One press to start, one press to stop. That "one press to stop" is great for clearing draw at finish, and it's a welcome new feature in series 2
This is exactly what I've been doing, for the same reason.
Since having the 2, I've mostly used power level 3.
Lately I've used this technique to explore level 5 power, treating it much like I would an unregulated vape - cutting the power when the vapor "feels" right, well ahead of any hint of combustion, but getting pretty toasted results...and effect.

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
Dang it! I missed out AGAIN?! I see “buy now” when I click the email link, but then it just brings up waitlist ☹️

How many of these did they have for sale? I am guessing only a few.
Jill NYC,

Grass Yes

Staff member
Dang it! I missed out AGAIN?! I see “buy now” when I click the email link, but then it just brings up waitlist ☹️

How many of these did they have for sale? I am guessing only a few.
When I click through all the way to the detail page (after clicking "Order Now") I can add a TB2 to my cart. Maybe it was a glitch?


Well-Known Member
Showing up for me.
I really like the bowle. I've gone through 2 over the years. Gifted one and the second has battery issues.
That price though... I can't stomach it. I'm looking at almost $700 CAD after tax for this thing.
I know I will get this, hopefully down the road when the price comes down a bit.
Enjoy your Bowles you sonbitches.


Well-Known Member
This is seriously ruining my weekend with indecisiveness lol. Had the Solo 3 in my cart ready to buy when I received the TB2 email -_-

Have the original and fits my specific use case of quick mid-night hits to get back to sleep, but that price is CRAZY!!!

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Yeah they are almost nothing alike, but you get what you pay for with the differences??
Shit Snacks,


Well-Known Member
I’m very happy with my solo 3, but my TM2 is dead and at times I miss the super on-demand hit-it-like-a-cart-but-flower capability of the TM2.

I’m considering buying the TB2 to fill that niche for me. Is the TB2 (or TB) similar to the TM2 with regards to the on demand performance?

Also, it seems a few European folks were having manufacturing quality issues a couple months ago. Anyone know ifthis new launch is a revised version that has fixed those issues?
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I’m very happy with my solo 3, but my TM2 is dead and at times I miss the super on-demand hit-it-like-a-cart-but-flower capability of the TM2.

I’m considering buying the TB2 to fill that niche for me. Is the TB2 (or TB) similar to the TM2 with regards to the on demand performance?

Yes, typically even faster, although of course not as small compact out and about portable probably? Nice built-in hook pathway although cannot use glass and no full temp range, but otherwise very satisfying!

Also, it seems a few European folks were having manufacturing quality issues a couple months ago. Anyone know ifthis new launch is a revised version that has fixed those issues?

You could reach out to ask, but I would presume rolling upgrades, not a revised version per se
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