Bad Dog
Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
It was more like from full charge to one light was at most 16 full timer hits done all at 3 and 4 in a room where the thermostat is set to 55°f so whatever that is in c. I got very repeated results that way.. 4 pots total per charge. Changed my technique for a charge this morning a got 25 hits from full to completely dead and exactly to the draw 4 pots all 15 seconds or less aprox except 6 full timer hits at level 1 to crush a bowl and have a firecracker but my hits went like thisIf you're getting 20 hits but it's not as effective in the cold I think that makes sense. If the puck is stored in the cold you'll notice a drop in battery, at least I did. I'm getting about 20 draws (15 seconds each) which allow me to finish 4-5 pots and that's at about 11°C/52°F ambient. I could have really tested the battery life in the cold this past week as we dipped below -40°C/-40°F but that sounds horrible
Level 1\ 15 hits
Level 2\ 2 hits
Level 3\ 5 hits
Level 4\ 3 hits
Edit: so I think my battery is good