I got my Bowle II! Woooo baby! I just love the feeling of exploring a brand new vape, it doesn't come often in life, at least for me!
First impressions, very different that any other vapes I own, and I think that's due to the design philosophy with this unit. It feels heavy, simple, yet sophisticated enough to feel premium.
I was surprised the plastic cup part actually extends all the way around the puck. That makes sense now in operation, as other methods might allow the puck to fall while someone is holding just the cup part.
The standard TB Series II did come with a surprise freebie extra stubby stem in addition to the standard size one, which is a nice bonus! No Potter Series II though but that's OK. I'll just have to wait to pick one up when they become available on the store!
I'm still trying to figure out how to use the Potter+ properly. The directions talk about grinding 5 times upside down, and then 5 times right side up, but for someone who has never seen a potter+ before, there is no clear indication of which side is actually up and down. I ended up figuring that the up side is the one where the pots are on the bottom facing up in the end, and went with that, but it just wasn't very clear.
They also say to open the Potter+ gently like a clam when trying to access the filled pots. Boy, let me tell you I was applying pressure ever so slightly and the thing just wouldn't come apart! A little more pressure, a little more, then BOOM, the thing flies open all at once, herb flying out of the pots and all over my hands and table! I have to get better at opening this thing!
Also, the Potter+ comes with this little funnel piece as well as a tiny 1" long dabbing spoon looking thing with a gasket half way up it, I have no idea what either of these things could possibly be used for and the instruction manual fails to mention either of them entirely as well.
I'm testing it out right now on temps level 1 and 2 so far. No vapor at all on level 1, but I think I was still figuring out the draw angle and speed too. Level 2 now I see the faintest vapor but the draws are pretty tasty for sure. I'm feeling it too, so its working even though it feels like I'm drawing mostly air on the lower temps!
I'll report back again once I've had a few more sessions! I don't have any Art Glass to post but I've been having an amazing time bowlen and buildin my time machine!