thast some nice looking wax eddie
how much material did you run to end up with 6 g's?
I wrote up a brief tutorial on running bho so i just thoguth I would share it here too:
making BHO is really very simple.
Materials needed:
1 turkey baster (glass or stainless steel)
hose clamp
oven mitts
a pyrex pie plate or dish
a larger dish that the pyrex one will fit in.
torch lighter
razor blade
1. You take a glass or stainless steel turkey baster (the smaller diameter tubes work the best for yield I am told. Mine is 1 inch) and pack it full of buds(don't break them up or anything). you can also add cotton balls in first before adding your buds if you don't want to use that much material[the whole turkey baster] to begin with.
2. place some unbleached coffee filters or 50- 100 micron screen over the open end of the turkey baster and fasten it on with a hose clamp. I used a broccoli elastic twisted many times to make it tight.
3. boil the kettle and have the hot water on standby
4. setup the hot water bath and float the dish in the later one of hot water. (be careful not to let the water get in your pyrex dish. Do this outdoors as it is not safe to run butane like this indoors. unless you have a fume hood or some lab equipment for ventilation. It's best just to do it outdoors though for safety's sake.
wrap a towel around the baster, or use oven mitts to hold the baster. this next step will make it mighty cold to the touch.
5. Using whatever adapter makes the bottle of butane mate up to the small end of the turkey baster use that and spray the butane through the baster. a yellowish liquid will come out and immediately begin evaporating on the hot pyrex dish. Continue spraying until the liquid runs clear.
6. once the dish has no real pool of liquid to speak of present you can bring the hot water bath indoors. This will prevent bugs and crap from the wind getting into your oil. change the water a couple times to keep it hot. I have been told 2x after 15 min time spans. (w/e works for you is good though)
7. after this pop any bubbles that remain with your torch lighter Pop the Pyrex dish in the oven at he lowest setting possible [170F on mine. 150 is better.] and bake for 5-20 min. (you can experiment and see what you like best) Now let the pan sit over night. (optional but worth it imo)
8. the next day pop any more bubbles that have come back. (the longer you wait the better becasue more butane will have come out.) then use the razor to scrape up the golden delicious oil!
9. now you can take out the bud that you processed, grind it or break it up and run it a 2nd time. this 2nd wash is not as good as the first, but it is definitely worth collecting.
One thing to note though, butane is obviously a dangerous gas to be working with. No flames around during the evaporation process. (once there is no pool of liquid left in the dish it is safe to work with again.)
Also you want to use the best butane you can get. the most popular brands to use are Vector(the best) Colibri, and London (both made by the same company and right up there too. I use London brand just becasue it's what they have locally.) the lower the impurities the better. cheap butane is not worth using at all. Make sure you have the good stuff. less than 30-50 ppm impurities and you are good to go!
If you like though I will do a pictorial to go with my steps the next time I run a batch of butane. (maybe even tomorrow night

) It may sound a little intimidating, but it's really not. also expect about a 10-20% return on your initial investment. 10 g;s of herbs should be 1-2 grams of amazing oil.
comments an tips are welcome!!