When you extract killer high grade nuggets, the wax is almost colorless to very little amber color and the flavor is so clean and pure so you can taste any impurities easily if they are present. It's extremely smooth, and you could take a half gram and drop it on a skillet and you wouldnt see a drop of reside left.
Here are some important temperatures: At 21C (70F) the most volatile terpenoids start to evaporate, lending a pungent odor to the air.
At 31C (87F) the less volatile terpenoids start to evaporate, lending the air even more pungent odors.
At 39C (102F ) vir tually all of the terpenoids undergo evaporation fairly rapidly.
At 50C (122F) THC-Acid decarboxylates as the water molecule held in the carbonate form evaporates. This activates the THC.
At 66C (150F) Cannabidiol (CBD) melts and starts to evaporate.
At 185C (365F) Cannibinol (CBN) boils.
At 200C (392F) THC boils. Clear vapor from a vaporizer.