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7th floor llc the makers of ssv, lsv, and dbv has them and vapornation.com just to name a few. I'm sure there are many more...
Please help! Am I going mad or is there no website at all in the UK that sells these adaptors?? I really want to hook my newly acquired SSV to a water devise but after searching for two days there doesnt seem to be anywhere at all in the UK that stocks these adaptors so im totally stuck! If anybody out there could point me in the right direction of where i may be able to pick up one of these i would be eternally grateful!
Hey Scotty, sounds like you found a pieceI am not familiar with UK/EU retailers (I do know members Raf007 and FLSkwat run a shop outta France) so I can't comment there. What kind of piece did you get, are you sure you need an adapter? My hose fits into a male 18mm piece (I know cause my dbl fem broke for my DG tube and I ghetto rigged it for a cpl weeks that way) and the hose should fit into a standard 14mm downstream iirc. Obviously you may not want these as long term solutions but at least you get to play with the new toy til one can get mailed to you.
Mine just arrived today. I set it up, let it burn off for a while, then went to town. This is the vaping experience I've been waiting for. Holy shit. Super easy and effective. Biggest clouds I ever blew. Instantly. Portables take time.
I wish there were a natural material for a hose. Can't we weave a hemp hose, someone??
I have my fattie in the deep freeze for a test drive later.
I can't tell you haw many times over the years I have has a SSV loaded on a shopping cart ready to hit BUY NOW and I never did for some reason. Glad I stopped waiting.
Question: Can I leave the bowl connected with the hands free and still leave the unit on? Seems like I could, then just reach down and take a pull every so often?
Why destroy good medicine?Well- I can take one on the trails with me, and the Pax when clean is very reliable. So it's my go-to portable vape. But the SSV is in another league as far as pure output and control.
Deamer your preaching to the choir on this one!Look at his vape list ataxian. He hasn't used anything with good taste except now with the ssv. When he got the pax I had just gotten the INH which I still think was a better choice. But you know your love your solo and so do I. The PN is giving it a good run for the money. I think with willie using the SSV he will get VAS and start looking for different portables. What do you think willie? There is a whole new market and some are really looking good...the ascent comes to mind.
The hose is not just plastic, but a specially made high heat formula. To make it supple enough 7th floor had it formulated just for them. They had to commit to buy enough to go around the earth 9 times to have the formula made.Well- I had a combustion episode, and everything is coated in combusted oils, and yuck. So I'm scrubbing and cleaning. Really tainted the line. I was surprised.
I'm still not crazy about a plastic hose, but not sure about any other options.
Darn it Vitolo!
Rub it in!
I have the SILVER SILVER SURFER on my wish list.
Next plug-in!
This thing looks so well built and the price point is obtainable!