The last 2 months have been a huge awakening for me. i have combusted for the last 20 years (holy crap!). My main weapon of choice was a bong i picked up in college around '97. when i met my wife 7 years ago, she was a joint/pipe smoker, so the pipe has become a mainstay, though ive always hated the pipe. Recently, i got turned onto vaping and this forum has been immensely helpful (I

FC) and enlightening. SInce, Ive managed to acquire a SSV and a PAX (both are nice, but i am really enjoying the SSV) and now i primarily vape ~90% of the time. I havent set foot inside a 'headshop' for a LONG time (nor have i even done a google search!?) and seeing all the different pieces and accessories etc. that are available these days is amazing. Id would LOVE to get a piece of some sort, but having a kid now, it isnt practical for me to have a piece of glass out or one that is even accessible.
This morning, when i checked in with work and found out i wasn't going to be working today (really sucky) i busted my old bong out. I turned on the SSV and removed the mouthpiece from the whip and inserted it into the glass stem of my old piece, and thankfully, it stayed in place well. i got all set a ripped it through the water and it was amazing! SO clean and smooth, i am digging it!
Why am i telling you all this you ask? Because i am totally off my rocker a the moment and excited and loving the SSV and really loving the water filtration.
So really its a THANK YOU

to FC and its members, and to the SSV and its fans for what ya'll dropped on me! I think i may have to find that new glass piece.