
Well-Known Member
InFlames, did I read correctly that you were able to use the spherical wand with the GG HC?


Well-Known Member
No not at all. The spherical was a custom order but the SSV I got still came with a GG wand which they're letting me keep so I have used that one.


InFlames235 said:
No not at all. The spherical was a custom order but the SSV I got still came with a GG wand which they're letting me keep so I have used that one.
Necessity was the "mutha of invention" once again.

Sour Deez

Active Member
Just wanted to drop in and show some love for my SSV.

I have completely stopped smoking at my house, its crazy, and I have been getting more medicated on a lesser amount of bud. I could go on forever but im sure you all know.

Its a black/black unit and I also got the 6 arm filter..err..5 arm now:/ but it rips
Sour Deez,


Out to lunch
^ Another happy vapor convert. :) Glad you're enjoying it Sour Deez. Hope you'll stick around for more than just one post. ;)


welcome to FC sour deez,

SSV truely rocks idd. it's my main vape.

how long have you been using it for? do you own any other vapes?

Sour Deez

Active Member
I got it a few months ago, but i was vaping at too high a temp and didnt know it at the time, so I shortly stashed it. But about 2-3 weeks ago I tried it again at a lower temp, along with crushing it up finer as it dries out more and it has blown my mind and i am HOOKED.

I also have a 6-arm water filter from 7th floor which has been a nice touch. I dropped it and one of the arms broke off, but i plugged the hole with saran wrap to force the vapor into the other working 5 arms. I notice alot of really small particles collecting in the water, im assuming those particles were ending up in my lungs before, correct? I have went from smoking 2g/day to vaping 1g/day.

I also have a MFLB that I have had for years. Just recently starting using that again at work, so thats my stealth vape. Although it doesnt seem to get me nearly as ripped as the SSV.
Sour Deez,


InFlames235 said:
Okay so I'm currently feeling a mix of emotions. I got the SSV today and was instantly pissed...everything they sent was completely wrong! I ordered a custom spherical wand which was the only correct thing in the package. My SSV order was rainbow zen/black with a custom engraving on the top front and spherical ground glass heater connection. What came was an ocean blue/ocean blue SSV with no engraving and a regular ground glass heater connection/wand. I say I feel a mix of emotions cuz even with the mess up I had to try out the order and it was so fucking clean to hit and works so well that I am just in awe. I've already emailed the 7th floor team about the issue and I can't wait to get this resolved. Even though it's a wonderful device, I can't help but be sorely disappointed with what happened to my order after about 6 weeks of waiting. Looking forward to getting it fixed and when that happens I'll post up pictures and a full review.
Must have been the week for it..I ordered mine with an engraving that was missing when it arrived and cuz im in Aus all i could do was get a refund on the engraving cost although Elyssa was very helpful..It did come fast and the fatty wand i got was pretty cool so all in all it wasnt too bad experience..I have to admit after using it i lost any of the ripped off feeling i had.. :D
Thanks to all for the great info on here..I was turned off vapes a few years ago and it was this forum that got me to take the plunge again..


SSV w/ Standard HC, LSV HC, thermovape all,
I bought my SSV like 3 months ago, got a deal on ebay, New, $159.00 + $7.95 S&H , I love it, but they sent me a standard heater cover, and a ground glass wand, so then they sent me the fatty wand ( i don't like FATTY WAND ) the hits are not as thick. I use the ground glass wand w/ the standard cover, hits very well like this, but i do want the regular standard wand.

If they were to make a male connection for the air intake on the heater cover you could easily attach a pump, and fill bags, I am looking into having a glass guy i know customize this piece for me

Also you can buy a cheap acrylic bong, and fit the tube over the bowl works just as well as a expensive glass bong.

! last thing is that the wand hash is so good and potent, I roll it with some kief, and it vapes for ever, i even smokes some of it, man so good


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this is my first post on FC.

I just bought a SSV this past Monday... What a great buy!

Its better than my volcano or mflb that's for sure.

I've already amassed a sizable pile of vaped herbs!


Congrats, and welcome to Fog country!
I just showed a friend my SSV and other vapes today, She is a heavy hitter... she picked the SSV and she is on her way to a head shop right now! :)


RegalOwl said:
Hey guys, this is my first post on FC.

I just bought a SSV this past Monday... What a great buy!

Its better than my volcano or mflb that's for sure.

I've already amassed a sizable pile of vaped herbs!

Welcome aboard! Glad to hear you enjoy your SSV, It's a great machine eh? I also like the SSV best of all my vapes i own too. (when I am at home and there are no circumstances, the SSV is my daily driver)

save up that abv and you can make some baked goodies or a lot of other things too!

Sour Deez

Active Member
Question about the ABV, I vape mine till its fairly dark, its def more brown than tan. And there really isnt much visible vapor when im done.

I have been saving it, have almost an oz of very fine(almost sand) dark abv, is there still enough juice left in there to make brownies?
Sour Deez,


Not only yeah... but "Hell yeah"! :brow:
Some make cannabutter 1st... some make oil. The ABV is already "baked" so it is good to go straight if you don't mind the taste and texture. I like it. Here is a recipe for exactly one oz. (or use brownie mix)
Pastry with Straight ABV


Lost in Thought
Make sure to run your ABV through a coffee grinder first to help powder it. Also, if the taste/texture DOES bother you - throw in some creme de menthe chips and some nuts. I make my brownies (similar) to this (without cooking the ABV into butter - just tossing it in the mix) and they are very spacey. :D


Nice one AGBeer
I used to use a mortar and pestle, then got old and lazy.
For a while I put the herb in my palms and rubbed to pulverize.. I got older and lazier.. and more used to eating straight herb
I am going to use the coffee grinder for Mondays batch! (oh and yeah.. they are spacey)

Sour Deez

Active Member
Interesting, I didnt realize you could just add the abv to the mix. Is the taste bearable, or do you gotta get use to it?
Sour Deez,


If you follow that plain recipe I gave above, it takes a tiny bit of getting used to. If you use chocolate, it is very palatable!


first time long time here.

I just ordered ssv off eBay from a top rated seller, easyvape I believe is the seller. 100% positive feedback.. anyways, I spent about 2 solid days reading on this. Thanks to this thread and the really great info. I went by the local shop and the price there would have come out to 300 or so. I was hoping the guy would come down, but to no avail. Instead I paid 229 and it comes with metal grinder. I felt more comfortable and partial to ground glass after toying with it for a few minutes. Based on Vit, I originally planned to get the standard one, but his overall assessment made me feel comfortable with choosing GonG, since I liked it better.

I'm super stoked and it should be here by Friday. Soon as I can, I'll post pix!!

I currently own the iolite, which I bought on impulse instead of researching. And I do like it and am happy with the clean feeling. Although, I rarely see any vapor and certainly never any thick ones. So, I'm pretty excited about what the ssv can do. I really dislike smoking, I'm not a smoker at all. This technology is awesome for those who feel the same way I do..

I don't mean to ramble. Thanks to everyone on here for the useful info!!


Vitolo said:
Hage said:
I'm super stoked and it should be here by Friday.
I know one place, I will have some good reviews to read on Friday!
Congrats, on making your move! :)

Thanks a lot my friend. So much of my confidence in the product comes from you and Tokin guy. Considering you have a great rep around here, I had no problem trusting your advice!
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