First post
Hi, from the UK.
Been vaping for about two months now. First bought the Vapir No2 after doing no research and reading what I now believe to be fake reviews saying how amazing it was. First one had horrible plastic smell and then gave up working at all. Sent it back to Ali Bongo, who were magnificent, and they got a brand new one back to me. This didn't smell (so can confirm they dont all smell!) but Vapir have rasied the level of one of the screens in the bowl and now you can hardly get any green in there. It's ok, but getting an MFLB next month as I hear good things.
Onto the SSV, again Ali Bongo were great and got it to me really quick as I needed it for the weekend! It's great but it took me a week to get everything sorted out, like what temp to run it, how much to put in etc. All sorted now though. I'm using the...mod...I think you call it, provided by sirprancelot above and it's worked out great, so thanks for that sirprancelot. Was very handy as I obviously had the Vapir screens to hand! I got some weed and tried it with the SSV and it was good, very good actually, but not 'knock out' so I was mildly dissappointed. However, a few weeks later I tried the same weed in a spliff and it was crap - got hardly anything out of it. So I've realised I'm getting much more high from it than by smoking this crap bud I have at the moment. However, I'll have some Kush in about an hour and I'm looking forward to that! Currently vaping what was in my tube and damn, it's nice!
Only problem I have, and this isn't to do with the SSV its to do with me, I find the high doesn't make me sleepy and I mainly smoke to cure insomnia that I've had for 20 years but maybe with better weed it'll help. I do like this new high though - I can do stuff and talk to people!
I dont know if Tokin Daily reads this but just wanted to say I now subscribe to his YouTube channel. It's great and I've learnt alot from it (and this site). I'm so jealous of all the weed he has access to!
Oh yeah, just remembered my point of creating this account. I'm experiencing the same issues as some of you seem to be getting with regards to the heat. It vapes nice at about 1pm but after 2.30pm doesn't seem to go noticeably hotter (not that I need it to) - that is, I can vape at a setting of 3pm or full blast and the ABV comes out the same colour regardless. It will never combust and never goes anywhere near black. It does the job perfectly well though, but I'm wondering on later models if they've lowered the max temp?