mlo4sho said:
Are they making all the SSV's with the ground glass/hands free technology now? I only ask because I was looking at purchasing one from (black with rainbow) and it was talking about Ground Glass parts with Hands-free technology. I think I read somewhere on this thread that you can specify if you want the GG model or just a standard SSV without the GG. I prefer the SSV that doesn't come standard with GG. Am I misunderstanding something?
GG is the new default connection when you order off vapeworld. I got my SSV through them and called them up immediately after i placed the order online and requested a standard wand/heatercover instead of GG and they accommodated my req w/o issues.
I def agree that the GG connection is appealing to most new vapists. After i bought my DBV a couple of my friend got one. We all shared complaints about the GG get stuck, even when we dont push/twist the wand in very much, as well as what an inconvenience it is when you stir frequently. We also had issues with the wider opening allowing herb to get accidentally blown back through and also it seemed like there is always one spot on the surface of the bowls that got browned a lot more than others. I started loosely inserting my DBV wand and twisting it during my hits so that this hot spot doesnt stay on one part of the bowl for too long and got good results from that (more even vaporization which makes it so you dont taste ABV so early on in the bowl). This was inconvenient to do, and even h arder to explain to other ppl how to do it, and they would often accidentally dump herb into heater cover.
So i realized that every one of my issues would be solved by getting a SSV with standard wand connection. Everyone that has used it says that they love using it "WAAAAY" more than the DBV, and agree that the herb tastes better for longer. I know at least one of my friends is also selling his DBV for a standard SSV, the other wishes he could, but he's poor as hell.
So it def seems that GG is appealing at first, but soon revealed to be more of a pain in the ass than it's worth, since 3 out of 3 of the vapists (ppl who own vapes and dont smoke) I know in RL and 6 out of 6 of the other ppl who have tried my ssv agree that it is much better.
granted, some could have just liked it because of the difference in HC angle. And i'm not saying that everyone that prefers GG is wrong or noob or anything like that by any means. It just seems like GG connections are like training wheels for a lot of vapists, things that are appealing and maybe even helpful to beginners at first, but later on seem more like a hindrance. Thats the best comparison my vaked brain can think of right now