I've seen at least three vapor tamers sell from the classifieds here in the last few months.
The discs can be usable, but it can take many draws before the disc is producing vapors. Most often teh disc isn't a perfect fit, and the air can travel around it instead of through it. When that happens you have to wait for the disc itself heat up enough to allow the product within it to vaporize. They have two different densities, or at least used to...and neither really stood out. The denser version will hold things better, as liquids could escape the less dense version while its heating up. They seem to work best in flower sandwich of sorts. I think cotton works far better. I think Vito has videos of both methods.Anyone know a cheaper alternative or some promo codes for the website? Also, are the ceramic flavor discs worth it?
And could anyone explain how the tamer / ice catchers are used?
Also planning on buying a bong for the SSV (not big, needs to be hidden highly illegal in my country) , any recommendations and what hardware do I need for this setup?
From their site:
"The SSV Ice Chamber fits comfortably into your hand while the other can still hold your wand. Made to be used without a downstem or rubber grommets, the Ice Chamber allows you to position the tubing directly into the chamber. Just add crushed ice or water, insert the tubing with the wand connected on the other end, and you are ready to ride the wave with vapor cooled to winter-like temperatures."
So it is basically a water pipe but you shove the tube in instead of connecting a glass WPA to a downstem.
You would need to purchase thebongwater pipe with a GonG attachment, then match the size of the GonG (either 14mm or 19mm) downstem opening to the Water Pipe Adapter (WPA).
Clogged screens? are you using 1 or 2 screens? Pull out the screen and Acetone + Salt wash it for an hour and put it back. What colour is your bud after vaping? It shouldn't be black and should just crumble in your hands.Hello everyone, I'm new here. The ssv is my first vape. I've had it for almost two weeks now. I've been using it daily, however I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if I have a defective unit or what the problem is. I find that no matter what temperature I set the dial to or how slow I inhale, I get little to no visible vapor when I exhale. Even with the ssv turned up to max.
I usually get the most vapor off the first two draws. I load the wand just enough to cover the screen. I always grind up my bud, and stir it after every hit. Most draws are slow and steady, about 10-15 seconds. Then I exhale nothing.
However, I cough horribly and it's often accompanied by nasty mucus. I also get pains in my chest and need to blow my nose. I dont know if this is normal. But its hardly enjoyable.
I've been a daily smoker for about 18 months now and rarely ever cough this hard. So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. But if any of you could please give me a little advice, that'd be great.
Edit: Also I'd just like to add that the quailty of the herb im vaporizing is extremely high. The buds are almost golden with trichomes.
I am only using one screen. The material does eventually turn a light brown after a while. Although I feel like I can still see the little hair-like trichomes on it.
Also everyone says vaping is so much more flavorful, but i get little to no taste. And it tastes like burnt popcorn.
This is helpful! I'll try this out.be sure if it is a standard Hand held wand that the screen is inserted dome up,
as in the crude illustration below.
The screen (red) on the left is incorrect, and does not allow for airflow.
Hey guys! It's been a while.
I've come up with an odd problem this past week and I don't really know what to do but come to you guys.
I'm having trouble with some specific bud. I know, it's weird.
Here's what's up:
I've had my SSV and Volcano set up the same way for a long time, and have pretty much figured out the perfect temp settings and what-nots for both, and I have a good idea of the vapor density I'll get at what setting.
For instance, I've been setting my SSV to a hair past 1 o'clock and it gives me really dense vapor through my bubbler, and does not scorch the bud.
First thing I did when I got my new pickup (some really nice platinum kush) was, of course, take a look at it really close.
Nice, kind of light buds. Definitely not too wet, seemed to be dried almost perfectly. Has a strong smell and it's delicious.. When I can get it to vape.
Ground it up and put some in my wand, same temperature I've been using for weeks. Hadn't even touched the knob or turned the thing off from my previous bud.
Took one nice draw, and suddenly, the entire bowl was cherried. This happened 3 more times before I was like alright, let's try the volcano.
So now it gets weirder.
I throw it in the volcano at the same temp I've had it at before thinking the whole bowl is gonna be done in one bag because of what happened in the SSV, but it was the total opposite.
I got a very light vapor and when I opened up the little volcano bud bowl it was pretty much still green.
Turned it up to 7 and it got a little darker. Turned it up to 8... No vapor, same light brown but almost green color.
I'm all shaken upI've just been using the bong today and *gasp* combusting because I'm tired of this shit lol.
I tried to 'rehydrate' my bud by dripping a little bit of water in to my jar (over an oz. in there) and then I got paranoid that I put too much water and the buds would get moldy and so I dumped them out and kinda sat them under a light for a minute or too. Most of the water I think actually ended up on the sides of the jars so I dried those and.. yeah.
I don't know. I don't even know. I adjusted my SSV heater cover and took the knob off and made my regular temp lower and even still I char the bud almost every time I hit it with the SSV, and get almost no vapor and green bud when I try to vape it in the cano at my normal temperature.
EDIT: I did try different bud in the Cano and it worked as it usually does : /
I haven't tried that strain, as I prefer sativas, but from what I've seen and read, the buds seem to be exceptionally dense. Maybe if you adjust your grind a bit, to allow better air flow through your SSV and more consistent texture in your Volcano bowl. Like I say, I prefer sativas, but I'd be happy to help you do some tests on that platinum kush in the name of science.