1. Do most users regularly start off at a low temp and work their way up as they progress through their bowl or do you throw it to the "sweet spot" temp and vape away? I'm curious as I go with method 2 and although
I have already made back so much money on saved material is this a way to take it further?
2. Now that I've found the groove with the stock setup what would
Be your recommendation for my next addition to my collection.
3. Love to here some user feedback about vaping kief is there any difference to vaping kief compared to a normal bowl?
4. Personal experience about your tolerance once you turned to vaping? This is more curiosity I just wanna see where I'm headed vapin 2-3 times a day depending on work
Anyways thanks to anyone that just read through my novel of a post and good vaping to all
1. Sweet spot here. I leave it pointing just to the right of the logo, and that seems to work well for me.I stir halfway through the bowl.
2. Hands-free attachment is boss. I have the spherical ground glass setup, and while I like the tactile bits, sometimes I also like to just set it up and be able to grab the whip and take a couple of puffs, like during movies. You do lose the ability to aim the flow and absolutely have to stir, but it's very convenient.
3. It's stronger.

Also seems to gum up the screen like a mofo. I agree with the above advice about making sure there's something between it and the screen. Make sure that if you're using pressed kief that you crumble it. Surface area is king when vaping.
4. No change in tolerance for the vape, per se. Just depends on how much you're medicating. You'll medicate more with less flowers using a vape, so in that sense your tolerance goes down--my consumption dropped between 25 and 50% as far as what I was getting from the dispensary. But overall, the tolerance curve depends on how much of the active ingredients you're cranking through. T-breaks are necessary no matter what delivery method you're using.
Re: vaping vs. combustion, I get more medicated when I combust, kinda. I think it's not being used to the CBD (you don't get as much vaping) so it makes me groggier. Bowl doesn't last nearly as long, of course. I prefer the vaping effects, actually. More controllable.