Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Great, thank you!
If I get an Eleaf iStick Pico 75W + Sai Kanthal Coil (and I already have two 18650 batteries that I use with my Arizer Air) will I be able to use a 4 mm Sai Kanthal Coil with that kit, or will I have to buy other connectors, etc.?
My understanding is that all things sold for the Sai will work but again, there are folks more knowledgable on this stuff than me. I do know that the coils sold for the Sai plus or Sequoia are not interchangable with the Sai so make sure what you buy is made for your Sai TAF atomizer.
I myself am still trying to find a setup that works well for me. Nothing I've tried really gets the experience firing on all eight cylinders like it does with my Dynavap stuff. I keep trying different coils and buckets but still not as satisfying as the other vapes I use. So I'm still toying with temps, watts, coils but in the end I keep running back to a vapcap for concentrate satisfaction. When I finally hit on it I'm sure I can enjoy the experiences that others have.
My next adventure might be giving up on my quirky pico 75. It does all kinds of weird things based on the day. I've been eyeing the Dovpo Odin 100w as a possible step up in ease of use. I want to keep it to a single battery mod but want a better interface and screen.
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