Well-Known Member
Hey bro, can't find specific info on Reynold's website about the composition of their parchment paper.@herbivore21 I missed that...so the Reynold's brand is no go or is it cool? Can you give me a brief snippet of why we shouldn't use parchment for rosintech?
I just might go arbor press instead of vice so that I might be able to use these as insulators between heat plates and tool.
Yes they are very thick, too thick for a vise and I wouldn't know how to cut them (have heard it's extremely dusty when cutting this stuff) but they would fit an arbor press easily I would think. The main description says G10, G11, G13, but in the body it's a lot of two blocks, G11, high temp, high pressure. There is a question asked there about temperature rating and he says 265F...the G11 according to MILSPEC is good over 300F...am I wrong on this?
And the G11 is very expensive so this seems like a great deal...what do you all think?
However, here's a pic of parchment that has soaked in essential oils from a nug being squished:

Note the spots there? Those spots of oil are completely one with the parchment. They will not be coming out anytime soon! They signify that the platinum cured silicone coating has been permeated by essential oils. This may be taken to indicate that the silicone layer has been compromised and that some of this layer may have come apart from the parchment into your puck/earl. It also means that further handling will increasingly risk silicone coming apart from the parchment into your extract. This is a concern. Silicone is absolutely unequivocally bad news to heat and inhale!
I should note that the above is a piece of slick wrap parchment, which was only doing a soft pre-press on a nug to get it flattened out. This squish did not even juice it enough for a single dab yield!
EDIT: Here's the yield from the subsequent proper squish of the same nug

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