Been Vapin
Fringe Class
Can't wait to see your custom Rosin arbor press! Please make a detailed post with how it was made and how it performs when it is finished. I'm sure many other members, including myself would love to make one if it works well
But how did it cost you only $61? I thought 1 ton arbor presses were closer to $100 when I was looking the other night lol
@herbivore21 how stupid would I be to heat up a cast iron skillet on low and get it to about 300F then try and press a nug (in parchment of course) with a weight for a few seconds?
I feel so left out having never made rosin. I can't wait for the snail press any longer. I CANT TAKE IT!!!!!!!! I have to make some rosin now
I got some shit bud hiding somewhere I think so I will try this method out haha. I'll be back soon to post![]()
The press came from Harbor Freight and was $39.99. Originally $69.99, minus $20 Advertising saving, and minus 20% coupon savings. It is possible to get it even cheaper if you find open box with purple price tag. If you have read this whole thread your rosin ready. I will do a detailed post of both of my designs soon. The beauty of these small units are they are cheap, effective and mobile. The 1 ton arbor rests weighs about 38 lbs lol. The clamps are awesome too. I really like the clamp hybrid.
Went a little crazy and bought 8 c clamps also. Gonna whip up some more clamp hybrids. Going to scourge all the thrift shops in the area for $3.99 hair irons. The arbor press uses a Remington s-5520 that was about $21.00 ( full retail).
Coupon page ( might be different for August)
Arbor press
Cheap swivel c clamp vs $23 Home Depot Milwaukee
@Bouldorado @herbivore21
Perfect. I was thrown off by when the carb cap is added. I'm assuming the sapphire insert does not work without a carb cap then, correct?
30 second heat up and digital timeout are key. When do you think it will be complete and ready to show off?
Only $60 to turn flowers into concentrates? If the function is on point this will be an A1 device
I'll have pics tommarow and function test in about 48 hours ( epoxy cure time for plates). The clamp hybrid can be done cheaper $30.00ish
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