Most vises are made in China and the alloy is poor.
I inherited mine from my father. It says "Made in Great Britain," from back in the days when China and Mexico were still only agricultural economies...
All I had on hand was JB Kwik, which isn't rated as high for temperature as JB Weld (which I read is supposed to be good up to 500F), so I picked up some real JB Weld and a piece of steel stock at the hardware store this morning and made some backing plates for the plates from the Kipozi Professional.
The "Nano Titanium" (= titanium-coated?) plates out of the Kipozi professional beside the new steel backing plates and with two-foot lamp cord extensions. The ceramic(?) heating elements in the Kipozi plates have conductive grease on one side and a spring steel retaining clip on the other. (I'm curious what the "63.0" marked on one heater and "64.5" on the other. There's no temperature-measuring probe on them, so maybe they match the heaters to the circuitry to get the rated temp? That seem more like lab-grade than hair salon, but if not, what are the numbers for?)
Gluing and clamping the new backing plates onto the Kipozi heating plates. You can see where the lamp cord comes out of the Kipozi unit, which still holds all the electronics. I guess the setup looks a little bit ghetto, but it should be good enough for casual rosin extraction I hope, and won't take up a lot of space when not in use. I would say that it's cheap too, but I've spent about $60 in cash now and a few hours of my time... fun DIY project, though.
Clamped and curing for 24 hours (big change from using the 5-minute JB Kwik). After taking this shot I silicone-sealed the wires to give them some mechanical support. I should be ready to do some semi-serious nug smashing tomorrow night!