Have you ever tried the same technique, but pressing 4 separate times while lifting at 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes and then one at 4 minutes to compare yields? Now that i'm thinking of this I think we could each make an equation for all of our seperate diy or bought presses to find the max yield...
I ask because i think what you see as "rosin still flowing" is really just air and tiny h2o gas bubbles leaving the puck... I press for up to 45 seconds, it always looks like oil is still flowing but it's just bubbles i think. If i fold the pucks into half and half again, and repress it i'll get next to nothing. It's not even worth a single dab... I tend to get + 20% on quality bud, average 15-18. I press 2 grams max as well. My plates are small. If you have bigger pucks maybe times can be stretched... with strong directional flow too though...
I'm going to try your technique too btw and compare yields color and quality. I'm thinking your way would max yields, but it may be a compromise for other things...
And on filter bags, you don't need em'. If you want to filter press a few grams, then put the rosin itself into a filter bag and press that once very slowly at very low temps, like below. It was maybe only a g, but it makes life easier, and you get instant cake batter.