Noob here. Only squishing clean keif at this point, not sure of screen size it's tumbled through but I'll ask. A buddy supplies the organic material, I'm the fabricator. Here is a list and some pics of my rosin press setup.
$45 HF 6 ton bench top shop press
Sho-Bagz 25u 2"x3" rosin bags
$15 thrift store Toaster oven
Collection of steel pressing plates
I use two different sets of plates, put them all in the oven at once . I can get 2-3 presses from one set of plates, then switch them out with the other set for 2-3 more. The toaster oven "claims" to heat to 400° but after a couple hours the plates get to the 140°-160° range (checked with inferred gun) which depending who you talk to, lol, is pretty good.
I've done the flat parchment and burrito wrap and the burrito is hands down better for me. Pressing and collection wise. Yield seems to be very similar either way, about 24%, which seems a bit low to us. We have tried packing the bags with fine sift, packed down into the bag and also just filled the bag with clumpy material that left lots of free space, which my friend had heard was the hot ticket. Personally I don't like the clumped keif. My yield is better packing fine sift into the bag with only a small bit of expansion room. I've been sealing the open end of the bag with a few small dabs of rosin to hold it closed while in the parchment.
I've found the yield from 3-4g's raw material in a 2"x3" bag is better than 5-6g's in the same size bag. Blowout at the open end is also harder to control, obviously.
The end product is amazing regardless, lol, we'd just like to get a little more, Hahahaha.
So, what are your opinions on:
Packing your rosin bags?
Size of pressing plates in relation to bag size?
Optimum fill quantity for bag size?
Sealing the open end of the bag?
Sift Vs. clumps?
Should my yield be a bit higher?
Anything else we are missing? Never too proud to learn something new. Thanks.