Hot damn Brother herb!!!!!
You're damn right, I am
extremely proud, honored, flattered....all the good stuff!!!
That Temple Ball is
Isn't the hand-pressing sooooo ..... Uh, rewarding?!?
It's a transcendental experience eh?
I love the process almost too much, I'll spend 45 minutes to an hour pressing about a eighth of an oz, the more it is worked, the more the aromatics will "morph" into a richer, robust spicy tastes of bliss.
Bonding with your resin (Pun completely intended)
Round of applause Brother!
Edit: To keep it pliable and to avoid oxidation...
Keep her in your refrigerator's crisper (double jar, and bag, vacuum sealed preferred, but you can simply suck the air out of a Ziplock bag by zipping it almost closed, then use a a long straw to suck the air/oxygen out of there)
Edit 2: knowing you, you probably already bought a wine cooler?

These are the Hashmaker's best friend...
Zero to very low humidity and keeps a stable temperature of 55F (Ideal conditions for long term cure/storage.)