Fuck I forgot I have a new folding tek to impart to you guys that minimizes parchment damage at higher pressures and also ensures that your nug is kept inside your plates (even if using smaller 2" round plates like me

This tek has ensured for months that I get perfect squishes first time, every time! I am yet to need more than a second squish of the same 1g nug using this tek
Picture walkthrough to follow!
EDIT: Here's the pics:
So I call this the Dodgy Paper Plane Tek (yes, everything is a tek so I decided to take that motif and run with it lol).
Basically, fold a square of parchment in half (ensure that final pouch is wide enough for your chosen nug once squished!).
Then fold the start of the nose of a paper plane, but broadly (as pictured) and not to a point.
Then take the 'wings' at the sides and fold them back behind the parchment. This is easier with Oil Slick's Slick Wrap, pictured here
The final pouch you are left with can have the broad 'tip' at the bottom shaped narrower or broader to accomodate size of your bud being squished (narrower for smaller amounts). This will ensure that even if you are vertically placing your bud in-between plates (for example in a vise setup), you will have no problems with the nug falling out of place
Bonus is you can keep the top unfolded and watch the rosin ooze out