actually its really messed up what happened to Smiley Culture.
Dirty lying pigs say that while he was under arrest and his home was being raided he 'stabbed himself whilst making a cup of tea'.
Still no justice,
... its fucking shameful.
'Stabbed himself whilst making tea!' - Yeah right! I mean, how fucking stupid do they think we are?, Cos anyone with an inkling of critical thinking can swiftly deduce that that scenario is just an implausibility.
Yeah so just let me get this right, Smiley Culture is under arrest, so they say, "hey mate, by the way, you can go and make yourself a cuppa, before we take you down the nick!" Yeah right, how fucking BRITISH is that fucking piece of make belief?
Since when did 'Dibble' allow you to make yourself a cup of tea, after placing you under arrest? Cos that shit don't happen round our way!
Anyway moving on...
So later on in the elite's social club, the conversation was said to be along the lines of
"Oh I say old bean, (in a snooty Lord Ponsonby accent) I'm afraid old Smiley has had a dreadful accident, the poor chap has only gone and stabbed himself through the heart whilst making a cup of tea...How astonishingly unfortunate!"
Yeah right, just fuck off -with that!
Not saying

Just saying

Without Saying