Love my Mi3 so much I just had to get a splinter; now I have one coming in the mail! However, this is gonna be my first 510 connection vape and I am pretty technologically-incapable, is there a resource somewhere for best box mod for the splinter/where to buy a box mod/how to set it up?
Nice! We are in the same boat lol. However, I am about a week ahead of you with the Splinter (also my first box mod) so maybe I can help direct you a bit (while there are others with plenty more experience whom we should both rely on lol, like
I list my TCR settings above for my Splinter V2, which
@FearAndLawyering helped me out with. I got my mod from him preloaded with ArcticFox (he might have some good stuff still) but there's tons of options for mods, of course, though it is increasingly more difficult to find them online.
I played around with wattage mode but got TCR to work so nicely that I have just stuck with that so far. It's been overall much easier than I expected - if you love the Mi3, I think you will have a blast with the Splinter!
Edit: One thing you will want to check, and that will be unique to your splinter, will be the cold resistance. Plug it in while cold and check what the resistance is (prly ~0.23-0.26ohm) and lock that in. You can adjust it slightly from there as needed (increasing resistance will produce more energy/heat).