RBT has reached a milestone moment in is product development. The Mi3 is the last planned 19 mm glass design at least for now. The new designs (Seed, ZapCap, and ZipZap) replace the fragile glass and wood system with more robust Stainless Steel and ceramic. Wood is a beutiful but is not the best engineering material... it grows, shrinks and warps over time and can take on liquid and odors as well as not perform well under heated conditions although it is a great insulator. This shift to the new technology is made possible by
@Khelek41girl at kgwoodcrafts.com as they provide authorized repair service for RBT and by
@unklmark bringing his creative designs here to the Open Source thread. This ensures that although the sun is setting on the RBT 19 mm glass designs, they will still be supported along with expanded.
So, here is how this will work.
@unklmark @Khelek41girl will lead the efforts and a few other people will be provided parts to tinker with in the coming weeks. RBT will eventually make a few open source videos to review the high surface area architecture, explain the manufacturing techniques required as well as review the 2015 provisional patent listed on the RBT WWW as well as some suggested designs. THIS WILL BE THE EXTENT OF THE RBT SUPPORT. Open source means its up to you to design create learn try and hopefully not blow something up

Basic parts like glass with screens inserted (Z and Mi), buttons, heaters, etc. will be listed for sale ... all sales final, no warranty, no liability, no support other than the videos and open source makers here. Please understand that this is being done to support the future makers of the world by paying forward what FC has given me but has to be independent of RBT for both financial and legal reasons. Basically a leg up and a community to support your dream of building a carved dragon with the 19 mm female in it's mouth.
The expectation here is only to develop a grass roots group of makers that work together with the RBT tech parts and principles as a simple, inexpensive, and somewhat proven way to make a vape... I can remember the first soldering iron vape I made ... Just hoping to give others the joy of making so I have to joy of watching in a win win situation... So PLEASE... no drama here... if anyone can make anything and have the joy of having someone go nuts over it and can sell a few to make a few bucks than great! RBT does reserve the right to maybe do a speciall build with
@Khelek41girl or
@unklmark next year just for fun but RBT 19 mm is now fair game to anyone that wants to play around with it... I am currently dreaming of the day that I can design again but for now the Seed, ZapCap and ZipZap are more than enough to keep me busy.
Looking forward to see this new life in the RBT open source continue as it has been a rip so far... seriously one of my 2020 highlights By FAR. So special thanks for
@unklmark and
@Khelek41girl for being the
@pakalolo and
@Stu of this thread

Just keep in mind that creativity and fun is the only objective here so please be positive and maybe save constructive critisim to a DM. Being a maker is like showing a painting you made... so please be mindful of everyone's feelings... take a look at the fist Milaana posted on the IG and now put it next to the Mi3... all big trees start with small seeds so lets go nurture and grow and not stone throw ... fist rule of brainstorming is not to criticize but to build together constructively... honestly... in a free flow of ideas... its like making music for a maker.