Random thoughts


Well-Known Member
Today is my last full day in Palm Springs. I have to go home to the cold and the rain. I've been here a 1/3rd of a year. I'm anxious to get home, especially since I barely finished a remodel before I came. Although I'll leave in the morning, I've made a few trips to the station wagon loading up the all the shit I bring. I don't even have room for a passenger. I keep telling myself I'll bring lss the next time. Famous last words.
Safe travels!


Well-Known Member
I have to go home to the cold and the rain.

Might be for the best. After I saw this I want to move to the PNW and/or go nocturnal.

I don't want some big ass radioactive gas ball spying on me :shrug:

intentional assault👇



Putin is a War Criminal

Women are not livestock 🚫🚫

Imagine thinking your worth is tied to a life of a broodmare. So when you hit menopause I guess it'll be time to take you out back and shoot you 🤷‍♂️



Well-Known Member
If I was a creep who was concerned about women I don't know getting knocked up, I wouldn't be spouting shit about wombs on Twitter. I'd be pressuring the government to make housing more affordable. Nobody wants to raise kids with roommates.

Of course that would either "harm" business idiots, in the form of higher wages for workers. Or it would harm current homeowners, in the form of reduced home values. So it's never happening.

Very funny that after 40+ years of smoking on that Ronald Regan pack, we're gonna have to open up our borders to immigrants just to survive as a country. Because young native born citizens can't afford to raise children at the same rate as their parent's generation.

Lotta motherfuckers out there love sowing but hate reaping :shrug:


Putin is a War Criminal
Worshipping an orange-white guy as a dictator who cheated on wife #1 and impregnated wife #2 while still married to #1, then cheated on #2 with wife #3, and cheated with porn stars while #3 was home with a newborn: today’s Christian nationalism in a nutshell.



they say im crazy but i have a good time

Women are not livestock 🚫🚫

Imagine thinking your worth is tied to a life of a broodmare. So when you hit menopause I guess it'll be time to take you out back and shoot you 🤷‍♂️

...is this a joke? Or serious cuz....

...are we suggesting woman who want to reproduce and be mothers and experience the greatest joy and purpose in life are nothing but horses? ... Also when did we get to the point in society that celebrating family is looked down upon.... And when did we shift to focusing on others instead of ourselves become a thing...

..."educate woman on how they're more than just host for babies and servants for men" I think this lady needs to educate herself. She's implying that woman who want children are stupid and don't know anything past reproduction...

...isn't going out and working full time the thing everyone does not want? If you are able to who would chose to be a slave (working full time) over raising a family?? sorry I have it wrong apparently having children makes you a servant to men. 😂


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
That's the beauty of humans. We all don't have to seek and desire the same things. It is totally OK for a woman to decide not to have children for whatever reason. And it is totally OK to want and have children. We wouldn't be around if our parents hadn't got frisky at least once. I, for one, am glad I made it to Life. Celebrate the differences.


Well-Known Member
“On Earth, humankind can step onto another continent, and without a thought, destroy the kindred civilizations found there through warfare and disease. But when they gaze up at the stars, they turn sentimental and believe that if extraterrestrial intelligences exist, they must be civilizations bound by universal, noble, moral constraints, as if cherishing and loving different forms of life are parts of a self-evident universal code of conduct. I think it should be precisely the opposite: Let’s turn the kindness we show toward the stars to members of the human race on Earth”
― Liu Cixin, The Three-Body Problem

When it comes to human beings, I am a pinko commie peacenik. But when it comes to aliens, I'm a MAGA Republican. ET phone home? More like ET Go Home. And would you believe it, they're spreading DEI woke ideology:


If there's something in humans that makes 30-40% of us xenophobes, I say we focus that energy on the Sky. Give the military's budget to SETI. Smoke those little green fuckers out of their hidey-holes. See what they're up to.

doing my part GIF


Well-Known Member
Maybe old weirdos who are mad about young people they'll never even meet choosing not to have kids should worry more about this chart than wokeness 👇


Of course, some old weirdos at least tried to stop this. John Hinkley Jr. comes to mind.


Putin is a War Criminal


Old & In the Way
Maybe old weirdos who are mad about young people they'll never even meet choosing not to have kids should worry more about this chart than wokeness 👇

Of course, some old weirdos at least tried to stop this. John Hinkley Jr. comes to mind.
I know times are very tough now. It's sad we have to have a term like "living wage" in our vocabulary.
Union membership is at a historical low.
These days, if you are not in "finance" (making money out of nothing), it's very likely you are in some "service" job (also making money while not making anything).
I think those things are sustained by the fact that US is now a top tier fossil fuel producer. We've fracked our way to #1 in Natural Gas production in the world! (Go USA! Drill, baby, drill!

Of course another possibility is that you are at least partially living off of some 'generational wealth'! Whoopee!

However, I want to balance @florduh 's
point about expensive housing with a look at the historical interest rates.

Just sayin',1985 might not have been the best year to pick for making the income vs home-pricing comparison.
As we've seen the last 2 years, even a couple of point differential can have a huge impact on the markets, and affordability.

From Bankrate.com,
"Spurred by the Great Inflation, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate reached a pinnacle of 18.4 percent in October 1981, according to Freddie Mac. Once the Fed reined in inflation, the 30-year rate seesawed down to the 9 percent range, closing the decade at 9.78 percent."
30 yr rates were about 12% in 1985.

Compared to 2022 rates,
"As the year concluded, the average mortgage rate went from 2.96% in 2021 to 5.34% in 2022."

THE 83,200 house in 1985:
856/month × 12 = 10,272, about 44% of that 23,620 (1985) annual household income

THE 468,000 (same!) house in 2022:
2,730/month X 12 = 32,760, about 44% of the 74,580 (2022) household income.

Weird, eh?

Having lived through a home purchase in the mid-80's, this whole distinction of rates is to me, a big part of the equation.

I am also aware that these arguments are extremely simplistic; there are so many more layers to this onion....so many more things making it very difficult to even tread water these days.


Well-Known Member
Just sayin',1985 might not have been the best year to pick for making the income vs home-pricing comparison.

You're right. The late 70's and late 80's saw rates closer to 9%. There were shitty years to buy a house in the middle of Saint Regan's reign.

.so many more things making it very difficult to even tread water these days.

Right. What did rent look like in the 80's? It's fully out of control now. Makes it nearly impossible to save for a downpayment on a half million dollar house. And if you're shopping for a house in that price range there's a good chance you went to college. Unless you were born to parents who could write a check for tuition, you've got another loan payment.

There are other issues. The destruction of our manufacturing economy means good paying jobs are cloistered around major metropolitan centers, usually on the coasts. So young people are incentivized to move away from family to greener pastures.

Which is fine, until you want kids. Now you don't have granny and gramps to help with childcare. Anyone seen what daycare for young children costs these days?


Well-Known Member
Yup, as one of the retired, Gramps, taking care of a 8 month baby, which means feeding
every 3 to 4 hours is a fulltime job!
Thank God we only have the child for two weeks at a time!
Pay me Son!!!
Just kidding; the wife and I love it for the short duration.
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