The "economy" is pure fiction. It's not a science. It's a (chosen) theory applied like a religion (which is probably based on real facts but has become fiction centuries ago).Though to be fair our entire economy is based on fraud and bullshit at this point.
The "economy" is pure fiction. It's not a science. It's a (chosen) theory applied like a religion (which is probably based on real facts but has become fiction centuries ago).
Aka, the transfer of wealth. Yesterday in the market, for every loser there was a winner.this morning? The Dow dropped 25% before recovering.
While I have absolutely no doubt the DJT administration is completely corrupt and basically an organized crime family, I don't believe that the leaders of Canada and Mexico are in cahoots with them. To be frank, I think it's critical that we be able to lean on those leaders to fight back. So far, at least, there doesn't seem to be nearly enough pushback and defiance within our own country, from either party. If this were to continue as it has begun, our democracy will be completely lost. Somehow, the Democrats and the citizens have to fight back. The longer it takes to start acting, the more difficult it will be to stop this complete takeover of our government by unelected people empowered by Trump. The lawsuits are certainly a start, but it's going to take actual physical action. The protests need to begin. There is a lot scheduled for tomorrow, and it will be interesting to watch and to see if it has any effect, at least in motivating others.Aka, the transfer of wealth. Yesterday in the market, for every loser there was a winner.
I think the whole day was orchestrated, set up ahead of time; DJT had meetings and conversations with both Canadian PM and Mexican President before he was inaugurated.
the Democrats
Because I haven't yet given up on America and I know that there is no fucking way we get through any of this without them. And they know it. If they don't work towards trying to stop the Trump agenda, then America is over and we might as well all fucking give up. And I for one am not doing that.I have no idea how, in this late hour, you still think those losers are going to help us.
Because I haven't yet given up on America and I know that there is no fucking way we get through any of this without them. And they know it. If they don't work towards trying to stop the Trump agenda, then America is over and we might as well all fucking give up. And I for one am not doing that.
You do you.
You want to create a circular firing squad
I think a naturalized citizen could be 'foreign' if they exhibit a very strong mis-match between their values and those of the country in question. For example, some foreign people come to the US with fairly similar hopes and values, to raise their families in peace and security, to work hard and enjoy the benefits and responsibilities the rest of us expect. Otoh, some people come from background very different or at least very much at odds with our professed values and bring the toxins of those systems to our shores. Sometimes they even find common purpose with people considered our adversaries, and bring those toxins as well. And sometimes they have some actual power they can bring to influence toxic changes. That's what I would consider a "foreign"' naturalized citizen. Unfortunately in our current state, the former are under the gun while the latter revel in power.I wonder how someone with citizenship in a country can possibly be a foreigner in the same country.