Ohh my god, you're right. What's wrong with me? I must vote for this man. Chosen by God herself. I am so sorry I ever spoke against him...Sorry libtards, the man's endorsed by Jesus Christ himself
Speaking for the Godless Communists, I've gotta say...cartoonish levels of blasphemy do not upset me in the slightestQuite the opposite!
Off-duty guard charged in fatal shooting of teen in Renton parking lot
King County prosecutors charged a man with second-degree murder in the death of 17-year-old Hazrat Ali Rohani. Prosecutors said his self-imposed “duty to intervene” threatens public safety.www.seattletimes.com
A child was intentionally murdered; he died in agony calling out to his mother. Hard to even imagine how much of a sick POS you'd have to be to do this...
At least the version I read, this guy will probably get booked since he seems to have a history of trying to shoot people. If they were cops and recorded on camera running down a pedestrian then laughing about how she was a low value female anyway, they’d get away with a slap on the wrist (not sure if that case has been closed already).Hopefully things aren't as fucked in Washington…
At least the version I read, this guy will probably get booked since he seems to have a history of trying to shoot people.
Agreed, I am grateful our current and probable future governors aren’t in the thrall of the fox news talking heads, but there’s a non zero number of folks in this state who are probably cheering this dude on. Reread the article and realised this happened in Kent area, so there’s a decent chance he might actually be acquitted, I really hope I’m wrong.That's good. And it's in WA. But in the Hillbilly States it might not be enough. They pardoned a guy in Texas who sent texts saying "I really want to kill a BLM protestor today" and then proceeded to do exactly that, minutes later.
Reread the article and realised this happened in Kent area, so there’s a decent chance he might actually be acquitted, I really hope I’m wrong.
I feel for you . Our AC went out and needed to be replaced. 112 in Phoenix , it took a day to installOK Tucson Sky... you win.
I surrender. It just hit 109º 15 minutes ago.....
I am going to break down and start up my window air conditioner!