Random thoughts


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Happy Pride Month, Y'all!



A unique planetary alignment will be visible in the sky before sunrise tomorrow. The planetary alignment is also called as the parade of planets 2024. The illusion of all the planets alligning in a single line will be visible most clearly on Monday, June 3. However, people can spot the alignment over several days.


Well-Known Member

Opinions are also formed by morality. You can show me 1,000 graphs that say poor people deserve to suffer and then die:

Tommy Lee Jones I Dont Care GIF

There's also the issue that economics, beyond the very basics, is not a fact based "science". It's ideology. Or religion.

Most economists today serve the same purpose as medieval clergy who droned on about how the divine right of kings is cool and just.

Also the "Nobel Prize" in economics is more like a participation trophy than a real Nobel:



Well-Known Member
I like how if a reporter brings up Biden's extreme old age to his face, Joe doesn't make a Reaganite quip about alternative candidates' youth and inexperience.

He doesn't talk about his core competencies or past accomplishments.

No. He looks the reporter straight int the face and says

"FUCK YOU, jack! I will fight you RIGHT NOW!"



(zombie) Woof.
Mid 60s, barely any clouds and hardly a breeze at 8AM and possibly hitting the 80s by noon...? 1/2 day beach day....! Fuck it! Now I just have to decide which one...🤔 This stretch is about 45 mins from me and has some of the best Maine has to offer:

Currently leaning towards here cuz I've only been once before (been to Reid and Popham a bunch over the years)...:
But I'll just decide based on mood en route (hopefully 🙏🏻)...:tup::peace:
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Well-Known Member
Senator Ted Rafael Cruz makes a nice post about seeing the actual 19th amendment. Read the replies from American Conservatives.

At this point, Mexico is a more advanced country than the United States.

They elected a lady President. They protected the right to an abortion. While our dumbfuck Right-Wingers want literally all political and personal rights stripped from women.

Gosh, I wonder why no one wants to fuck young Conservative men. A total mystery, really.


(zombie) Woof.
Time for a lil honesty, folks 💯💪:



Well-Known Member
Edit: I regret responding to this. I think it's good and cool to let your dumb, large teenage son travel to a different State with a (non-)assault rifle to play Call of Duty Live.

And before anyone else gets mad at me, this is what I look like, making these posts:

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Well-Known Member
He was rejected from the Marines for being too stupid. Which makes me pretty certain he doesn't have any special mental powers to determine who's a pedophile just by looking at them.

Look. I don't think that kid should be in prison. But I DO think his mother should be locked up. She let her dumb pudgy teenage son cross State lines with an assault rifle to defend a gas station. Literally one of the worst parents of all time.
You have not answered what I asked. Why does it bother you so much that a couple of pedophiles that attacked the kid got killed in self defence? It bothers you so much that you have to bring his past that is barely relevant if at all and are asking to jail the mother instead of addressing the core of the issue?

Any normal human can see that given the circumstances the outcome was as good as it gets. Why are you not pleased, why does it bother you?


Well-Known Member
assault rifl
Small but important point, it was _NOT_ an assault rifle. An assault rifle (like the military uses) is required to have both semi and _full_ auto fire. By that defination it was not an assault rifle. The AR-15, for the last , what, 25 or 30 years, is semi-auto only and cannot be converted to full-auto fire due to the design changes . Sorry to be pendantic, but it's an important point that's been overlooked.

Beyond thst I perfer to keep my opinions to myself.
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