Remember the CIA has owned Hollywood and its elites for decades. They write books.and movies about the heinous shit they do then when people point out thier bullshit, they claim its just a script and you're a loon. They also seem to enjoy dangling the truth right in front of us while maintaining that it's just a script...
Used to? The funny thing about Liberal Hollywood is, they love their military industrial complex. There's obvious shit like Homeland, Jack Reacher, and Top Gun. Then there's even more insidious examples like the Marvel movies. Tony Stark is literally a billionaire merchant of death. And the central message of those movies seem to be that people with a lot of power almost always use that power for good. Which is frankly the most fantastical thing about a series where people can fly without the aid of technology and Norse gods exist.
Then there's 'Ol Uncle Walt himself. A scumbag who named names at the McCarthy hearings. Because his animators wanted to unionize. So clearly they were commies. And I don't know it for a fact that Walt was a CIA spook himself. The Agency did help him build Disney World though.
<p>With advice from former CIA operatives and lawyers, Disney bought up the land for Florida’s Disney World and orchestrated a unique legal situation—and set up an unconstitutional form of government. An excerpt from T.D. Allman’s <i>Finding Florida</i>.<br> </p>
But I don't know if Avatar is a good example of CIA programming. I bet Langley wasn't too thrilled with that particular film. James Cameron, a Canadian, ended up making a movie that's pretty critical of the American System the CIA exists to protect. He literally has the Space Marines do a 9/11 to the Blue People's sacred tree. To get their Space Oil. Or treeS, since they looked suspiciously like the Twin Towers.
Wild, because I think this movie came out in '09. And the two big messages were: America does 9/11's around the world almost every day, and that multinational (or multi-stellar?) Corporations are evil. Oh I forgot! The main character in Avatar got paralyzed during the "Venezuela War". It's the future, so there are treatments to fix his back. But there's no way he could afford it. The exact line was "not in this economy" lol.
This is why I don't think Disney Executives actually watched Avatar. They're literally the bad guys from that movie.
As for Tolkien. He witnessed the horrors of WWI up close. And I think he just could see where industrialization was heading. He'd be absolutely horrified to know The Sauron Corporation adapted his books for TV.