Everybody in the world right now is effectively being forced to evolve and reinvent themselves. Our vibrational frequency level is changing.
But so many people are so deeply unawake, in an unconscious slumber. They are not capabale of starting the evolution of consciousness process.
They are stuck in the blocks like zombies.
Look at everybody you know now. Everybody looks defferent. Different facial expressions, almost morphed.
These are highly significant times. This farcical attack on humanity and greatest deception of our livetimes, 10 times bigger even then the great lie of 9/11, is having an impact on practically every soul in the world.
The alseep sheep are be8ng swept unconsciously along for the ride. Tney really have no clue what is really gping on, so long programmed and bewitched into delusion by the mainstream, satanic cabal controlled media who DESPERATELY need Trump out of their way, to advance their long, long overdue New World Order, which was expected to be firmly in place by 2020, as depicted by the famous and mysterious Georgia Guidestones erected in 1980.
It is serious shit people. They are playing their final trump card with every little thing tbey have up their sleeve, multiple agendas.
If Trump loses power, this world is fucked I promise you. 2020 we have Judge Dredd society.
Trump wins- we have hope.
Meanwhile, those of us who are fully awake,,aware, conscious, are sufferring mentally the most.
The entire web of mainstream media has never spewed such bullshit and lies in our lifetimes. Stanists suck, they can go to hell, which they clearly think is tge place to be.