jeffp, PD getting some DD huh? Your PD sure is spoiled, going out shopping and such.

Now I'm curious of what the first joke was, hmm. Lots of fireworks here upstate. Started a week ago and probably wont end for another one. Rednecks love there explosives.

Can't say I don't have some stockpiled as well. Got to love the boonies.
Madcap, I cannot put into words how jealous I am of you right this instant. Wait for it

I'm okay now, you one lucky sonna gun.

I would love to hear about the performances, my mom went on and on when she saw Roger haha. She could go on about Pink Floyd forever. I wish I grew up in the 60's, I feel like I was never meant to be in this time. She actually lived in Woodstock, NY the time of the festival, though it was actually a few towns over. My uncle was so angry when my grandparents forbidden him to go to the most famous concert ever, though they felt bad afterward seeing what big of a deal it was. Cant stand todays music/culture. Anyhow very awesome album you got there, Syd was great. He changed Pink Floyd, and Psychedelic music forever. RIP you crazy Diamond.
Welcome back to the contest hereatlast! Cant wait to see more pics!