Nycdeisel: Very nice glass! I'm liking the pink floyd love on this thread
jeffp said:
...If you're interested in a really good bong that's inexpensive and works great with the PD I'll post the link and with that you should also order a mini stem from the PD site - it's not necessary but it is more ergonomic.
I'd love to hear some suggestions regarding small cheap bongs that pair well with the PD.
Since the in-laws have been in town, I haven't really had a chance to use my new baby. I finally vaped a whole stem last night and WOW what a punch! I was not expecting to get so medicated off of one stem! I vaped right before bed, and had potent kaleidoscopic images dancing in my head as I drifted off to sleep. My experience with the PD has far surpassed my expectations! Such a cool little device.
A couple of things though:
- It seems as though my ground up bud doesn't stay in the stem as well as I'd hoped. I don't jam pack the bud in the stem; I usually leave about a millimeter of space. I use the straw method to suck up the herb. I don't have any "tools" to tamp the bud down, but have tried using tweezers and scissors unsuccessfully. When I gently tap the stem on the table to check if the bud is secure, a little to a lot of herb usually comes out. Any tips would be greatly appreciated

- Also, I'm guessing the little copper nub is the aromatherapy diffuser cup? I ask because I cleaned it out with soap and water, and it felt tacky on the outside. This lead me to believe that it had some kind of lubrication on it, and that maybe it is used for something else?
Thanks for all the help!