Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer


Jack of all trades, master of none.
First entry....



Jack of all trades, master of none.
Hey lwien, I know this is a dumb question but, how would one pronounce your screen name? :rolleyes:


Combustion free since '09
Woot! Congrats Tom & Pammy!!!! Hope you had a fabulous anniversary....and many more of course!

Love seeing all the pix! Djonk...yours cracked me UP!! Nice!!


Well-Known Member
Hey, this is going to be a bit of a rambling post, as I am a bit vaked already, and not even part way through my first stem, trying a new method mentioned way back in the thread in the 190s or so, as I am determined to read this hole thread so trying this method out.

first off,
congratulations Tom, that's really good going, and I hope you will have many more years together.

its probably because I am a bit vaked, but I suddenly wondered what Pammy sounded like, as we have heard you talk on many a pd video, but I would love to put a voice to Pammy as well.

Next question, totally different topic, I know random.
But, its coming close to the time for me to give my tubes there first clean.
As I am now on my third virgin tube.
My first stem lasted me all the time from when I got my PD, and then I decided to try and fill it the wrong way and totally clogged it.
Second stem, only lasted me about 3 weeks and then began to get hard to use, so I put it aside as I don't want to make it really hard to clean or impossible to get back good as new.

Third stem, is still fine, but I would like to clean my tubes before using a new strain in them, and I don't want to suddenly be caught short when my third tube does become clogged.

So, this is the question. I know Iso alcohol basically very high percent proof is needed to clean the tubes.
But, question is what technique do people use for filling there tube washing bottles.

Buy this, I mean do you fill the bottle then put the tube in, or do you do the reverse?
and, do you put the tubes bowl facing up or down in the bottle?
and how full do you fill the bottle?

Secondly, how do you go about filling your little bottle from the iso bottle.
I have never bought iso, so don't really know what sort of bottle it comes in. But do you just pour from bottle to bottle, or do you put some in a small jug or glass, then fill the bottle from there.
I have been thinking I might get a syringe and fill that, then fill the bottle with it, as I find pouring liquids difficult, particularly if its from radically different sized or shaped containers.


Well-Known Member
Just pour from one bottle to other.

I fill the bottle first to about an inch from the top. Maybe just a tad less. I then put the stem in with the bowl at the bottom of the bottle. Reason I want the bowl at the bottom of the bottle is because when I take out the stem, I do so with either a chop stick or q-tip which I insert into the mouth end of the stem to lift it out of the bottle. While in the bottle, I'll shake it really good and then leave it sit over night. Rinse with hot water in the morning and it's good to go for another month.


Jack of all trades, master of none.
I put the stem in the bottle with the metal part facing down. I slowly pour enough alcohol in the bottle to cover the metal part. I let it sit for a couple hours agitating every once in a while. Pour out and wash thoroughly with clean water.


Well-Known Member
lwien said:
Reason I want the bowl at the bottom of the bottle is because when I take out the stem, I do so with either a chop stick or q-tip which I insert into the mouth end of the stem to lift it out of the bottle.

:lol: I'm glad you put it this way, immediately made me picture myself doing the same thing with a concentrated look on my face.

BTW, some prefer to just keep the same ISO in the cleaning bottles for a longer period of time (just remove and replace the stem to clean another one, no need to pour out the ISO) in the hopes of reclaiming. Speaking of that, I just evaporated some reclaim (all from cleaning out the PD stems) and while I haven't tried it, it looks like it should do the job. :cool:

(Note: Not a PD photo entry)



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'll keep that same ISO in the bottle for about 6 months or 6 stems worth. I then use that ISO to clean out my grinder and then let it evap for some qwiso.


Some of these contest photos are so good they're going to be a hard act to follow. My memory card is in the mail so I should have it within a few days but like I said my daughter's coming tomorrow for the week so trying to win a custom PD will be a quest put in temporary abeyance. :p
The moon was incredible last night and the weather was beautiful - it was unusually nice.


Congrats Tom and Pammy. So happy for you guys :D

Heres todays picture, clean and simple. Really shows off the grain. :)



Well-Known Member
Some great pics for sure. Love the close-ups.

Here's my entry for the day. A little goo in a PD stem to lively up the afternoon :ko:



Well charger broke on my mac...again :mad: so I am doing this frommy phone, hope it works!

Homemade bubbler with gong 4 arm downstem with 3 slits on each arm :) works like a charm.



Revolting Peasant
Oldfart, love your pics, but I'm getting the impression that your house must be like some chimera filled Victorian chamber of horrors! :lol:

Great curiosities!
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