Some Black Walnut customers (that ship during this week) may get a surprise (some may not). A while back, in Oregon, we had some fancy walnut slabs sent to us from Washington State, some of you may have seen pics and expressed interest... This stuff needed further curing and then Kiln Dried, and was well ready by now... but there wasn't much yield. Nice stuff, figured wood and a couple of deep red burl pieces

Anyway our supply line broke down, our lumber man has been waiting (a while) on a Black Walnut shipment, that is "in transit"... This holds up the wood turner, who holds up the laser man, who holds me up . . . (our lumber man is also waiting on some 12/4 Fiddleback Maple for us... can't wait to see what it's like and test it out. )
So, out comes the Washington Walnut, sharpen up the tools and get out the lathe at P-D Land. Enough Walnut to fill needed orders and not get off track (one wood species not faster than another).
Yesterday afternoon, I located some 12/4 KD Black Walnut here in Phoenix and a long drive in Bbbig city traffic... Our typical, furniture grade stuff. The man should have offered me a cigarette afterward...

(same for the Doctor visit last week)
So for a bit all the Black Walnut units are being turned in house... Fun, but time consuming.
Stopping for production runs of items like screens, or drilling vapor tubes, or heat exchanger tubes etc. are part of the picture here... when I need them, I need them. Nobody else is gonna do it... lengthy set-up on some items (like these and others), means you don't just run a few, so it's always a juggling act to put finished packages out the door.
The end goal is to make the best product I can, however long it takes. Thanks for the kind words folks. We try to stay as close to our predictions as possible, but, rushing things out the door

, to keep to a prediction made 6 weeks (plus a few days) ago, ain't gonna happen.
A working weekend was the usual, and my mornings start in the shop about 5AM recently (starts getting light about 4:30AM and that's the end of sleep for me

) .
BuddahMonk, this will not become a "when is my vape coming" thread . I won't answer order questions specific to one person ( since I have no clue who you are... and except, in cases like your's, since this seems to be deteriorating). Order specific questions will only only be handled by e-mail. If you wish to inquire about a specific order, or step out of line (and receive a refund), you are welcome to. That's your choice and has been all along, but can only be handled by e-mail.
^^^ Funny Lwein, that's not our policy.