Foggy indoors NYC !

Your idea of a larger Porta-Billy with swing lid is my daily driver, in Macassar Ebony, Bison lined.
Sliqpd, that's a beautiful place, reminds us of our Oregon scenes, we miss it, but are enjoying the desert ...
And that brings up the pebbles mentioned above, by Nuvap.

Pammy used to collect Jade and Agate pebbles off the Port Orford beaches and we included one of her finds in many of our packages. Health and safety reasons stopped her beach collecting...
Since moving to Rockazona we ran into some polished pebbles and we wanted to re-start the old tradition. Folks seem to be enjoying them. Some of them are Petrified Wood, there are some Agates, some Snowflake Obsidian, Turquoise, Jade, Quartz, Tiger-eye . . . who knows what. Eye candy, just something to look at. Just for fun. Lagniappe.
For you music lovers, here is Ewan Dobson ... yes it's a funky outfit and strange background but...
In 1993, he was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and mild Tourettes Syndrome.

. . . TABS available at 
Oh, I like his hat in this one. and this for any who liked Leo Kottke. And a traditional... Hat washing day!
Wow, here is a young Ewan,