jeffp said:
djonkoman - i think you'll get more profound and visible clouds of vapor with a proper stem. it's all designed a certain way and that includes a restricted air flow.
ed's stems are great but i think you should order a few "official" PD stems as well, at least down the line.
if you have a bong you are in for a major treat with the PD - it's like PD 2.0. There's mini stems at the PD site which are ideal for bong usage.
Also since you bought your unit second hand you may not have gotten the muslin bag, and if so you should get a few from ebay - they're really cheap.
when you're done with a load you just blow the material out into the bag and save it all up.
when you have 1/2 cup's worth you can use this for mind blowing brownies (not sure if you're aware of this, if you are i apologize).
The PD is the shit.
I got my stem today, and I love it

much better as my macgyverstem, but that stem was only ment to try it out for a night anyway
turns out my stem held even less as the real stem
I do get nice little visible clouds now, not as big as my VG but that was what I expevted, and it gets me higher as my VG

I don't have a bong, only combustionarticle I own is a stone pipe, wich I actually bought later as my VG(it was cheap, nice and I don't vape for my health but for the vape-effect, so once in a while I still like to combust, altough lately it's mostly easy and when I'm together with friends, who all combust and I don't always like to explain how to hit the vg, I always loose the first bowl to combustion if I'm with a new user)
before vaping I used to smoke joints so that's why I didn't own pipes, bongs etc, besides pipes and bongs aren't that common here, almost everyone smokes joint with tobacco(I used to smoke pure weed because I have always hated tobacco, the taste and the hurting throat and most of all the effect wich is more potent then weed to me but very unpleasant)
maybe I'll buy a bong sometimes, already knew a PD could be atached to it and that was also one of the reasons the pd sounded awesome to me
one friend of me has a bong, smoked from it twice or so and that is pretty nice, get much higher of it then joints can ever get me
and I already made some awesome brownies and other edibles in the past

but I'm not a big fan of AVB brownies, I like vaping because of the more high effect and I love sativa's but if I have to choose between an indica and being sober, and I'm alone, I would choose being sober(and avb is far more of that effect I don't like)
and edibles in general only get me high if I'm around friends(or maybe people, never tried it with people but no friends)
once I made a cake together with a friend, we spit the cake, that evening I eat half of my half(so a quarter) while watching tv, nothing, no effect at all but a bit of sleepiness/tiredness after a while
and I waited multiple hours
but the next day(or maybe the day after that) it's liberation day(5th of may here, liberation from the germans)
I go to the city(on liberation day there's all kinds f band performing etc in the cities here in the netherlands, an innercity-size party)
I share the last quarter with him and I get really, really high while I only had an 1/8 this time
and the friend that helped baking shared his half with 3 or 4 people or so
once I made brownies with only or almost only avb, spent the entire night apathic staring at the tv, not having much fun
while a lot of frends around me were really high from it and having fun(we ate the plate of brownies with around 15-20 people I think, it was someone's birthday I think)