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I see you, Aero18, are asking Rick / Aromazap, to copy the PD Whip-Rippers (tm)
Aero, you own a Zap, why come over here and question PD pricing? I bet the Dynamic Duo (MZ/WZ) are working on a copy already. Hmmm what will they call them?
The Vienna Zapper?
The Little Woody?
Follow the leader.
For those who
really want to know. We cut FDA, food grade, #5 Polypropylene rod to length, then 3 drilling operations and one internal filling op to make a tube. 7 or 8 shaping operations on each end (the mouthpiece end gets one extra op). And that's just one plastic tube, 20 steps. The
304 Stainless Steel Vapor Tip (
not an unknown alloy of brass, containing Lead) comes to us from a hypodermic needle manufacturer in 5 foot lengths and must be cut, ground, de-burred (two steps), dimpled and polished, each and every one. After that screens must be cut and we use two clips in each tip. Then assembly. I count > 30 steps for each Vapor Tube, and that does not include several washing steps (done in batches).
Whip-Rippers (3 pack) are a specialty request, they also come with a screen kit ($10) and a carrying tin. $50 includes shipping and packaging. So about $36 for the three tubes. Same price as our regular tubes.
Jklasd, yes the break could be anywhere in the cord length but the most flexed and most abused part is the last 6". After receiving a 'few' working wall warts with broken cords and plugs, I can tell you that cutting off 6" is all it has ever taken to get juice. But as you say the break could be anywhere, including in the strain relief at the wall wart, depending on how the cord has been treated.