Tea Tree was pleasant to work with, a distinct odor when worked. You can say that about most woods, but this wood was fairly unique, and not like the tea tree oil, derived from this plant. Pammy has a specimen growing on the porch, it has lots of small flowers too (not right now).
Well, you never know what to expect in PD Land.
How about a Pint of Stainless Steel Vapor tips, fresh from the rinse cycle?
How about a PD/FC Holiday Contest?

Open to all
Current PD Owners and any
On The Wait List with an order number of 3538 or less.

That's the latest posted PD order in the availability thread (at this moment).
Guess how many Stainless Steel Vapor Tips are in a pint.
Prize- A Billy-Bowl, A Tube-Holder, A full size tin (2oz.)

Buzz-Butter, now made with Organic Hemp Oil, A wooden table toy, and your choice of 2 Mark'r Tubes or 2 Whip-Rippers, plus a screen kit, maybe some other stuff...
Contest ends January 4, 2010. Entries received after that date will not be considered. Compliance with rules is mandatory and I will be the sole judge of your compliance*. Nothing tricky just read and follow the rules.
Send a picture post card to:
P.O. Box O (as in Oscar)
Port Orford, OR 97465
1. Post card must be a
picture* post card.
2. Line 1- You must print your FC
username*, so we can announce the winner.
3. Line 2- In large clear numbers, print your guess, and
circle* it.
4. Lines 3+ - Your name* and address* and e-mail* (we will contact the potential winner and ask for the PD order info confirmation. This contest is only open to former Vapenow/PD customers, Vapenow/PD waiting list customers, Purple-Days customers)
5. Optional, include a Holiday note to the PD crew.
6. One entry per person.
Person coming closest to the actual number, and following all rules, wins. In the event of duplicate guesses the earliest postmark will be the winner. We will announce the winner right here when we confirm a compliant* winner.
Took a while to get a center space large enough without throwing the cube off too much. Is it too much and would a simple square be enough?