Yes, that's Paisley leather.I keep a square of it on the bench as a work pad. It's waterproof and I can scrub glue and stuff off it.

Certified Organic Flax Oil and Certified Organic Hemp Oil

(on Paisley

) Out in the shop making Buzz Butter yesterday, with the new formula including the organic Hemp Oil. I tasted the hemp oil, it's not bad, sorta nutty, I would not call it delicious...
What I meant about the contest is: The Manatee is the current closest guess, if that person remains the closest guess till the end they win the announced prizes, if someone makes a closer guess, this person (manatee) gets a consolation prize. If the next closest guess gets out-guessed (bumped from the top position) they will also receive a consolation prize etc. So keepsending those cards, nobody wins the big prize till January 4th.
Mark'r tubes have an identifying mark. They can be used for guests, sick folks etc. so the tube is known from the others.
Wow! Just wow! Some wonderful friends sent us (and Kali) some fabulous Christmas presents.Thank you, to everyone, for making this a very special year for us.
This one was over the top!!! I have never vaped through water before. I always thought vapor was pretty mild. This is extra mellow. And I find you can go beyond your limits, with no warning. So smooth, then uh-oh, what a lung-full. Whhooot !
Thanks so much!
OK what's that leather strap for?
So I can hang this thing up where it won't get knocked over and broken.