I was gone all day yesterday. I've never really trusted Doctors, 'Here are some pills, they should work...". But till yesterday, I had never caught one in an outright LIE. Well I did. And it was a lie for profit. :/
IAmKrazy2, welcome to the family, glad you are enjoying.

The logo on the cover sheet and the bags are rubber stamps. We have used them since the beginning. I drew the logo in PhotoFilter (january 1, 2008). With the stamps we can use plain B&W copies. Color printers suck and sure don't seem economical or environmentally friendly.
Kalinga, no worries about warranty, but PLEASE, 'don't try this at home' as they say. The resistor is a pretty tight fit in the central heat exchanger tube and you may not get the heat exchanger back into place, or may break the resistor trying to force it (we have seen this). I don't put them together that way and they aren't intended to be taken apart and re-assembled that way. But... since you managed OK.
Good description of the upper parts of the unit, and the bottom chamber is very simple too. The wires go down through the two channels (insulated by the wood) then wrap around two stainless screws, then on to the power jack. No other electrical components. Resistor, wire, power jack, and solder, that's it, all RoHS and Lead-Free of course.
highendvapes, if you have any questions or need anything let us know. We aren't trying to inhibit someone from selling or buying a used PD, but supply and demand were unbalanced, and scalpers started to move in. We just had to put a stop to scalping. Voiding their tickets, by voiding their warranty, seemed the only way.

Seems it worked too, I totally pissed off one scalper.
HighEnd says, "Carpentry is my speciality, but I understand and have a working knowledge of damn near everything." Most Carpenters do...
JohnnyVape, we stock all the components, but demand is greater than our ability to supply. Each unit takes about four hours to complete. I am never 'caught up' so there is always a bit of a que. I see you are outside North America, so write to Pammy and ask about lead times. I just work here, haha.