Hi chubba,it'sa good question. I have my ash unit sitting here with a piece of Scott single ply toilet tissue draped directly over the heat exchanger hole. NO odor, no discoloration. The 'hot' parts are recessed, you don't accidently touch them and get a surprise. Hot enough to cause a reflex, but not really burn you hard, unless you are into that sort of thing and hold on. After 10 minutes of no of no action I wadded the TP up and stuffed it in the top 1" hole. Still no action. Similar results with the hole stuffed with foam for an overnight test. Since getting anything into the throat of the HE and past the crossbar is almost impossible with more than a mere crumb, there is not much happening.
For those that missed out on the first batch, that's just the way life is. :/ We can't make more than we can make. It's just us two. And with a week of production selling in 7 minutes, well, if you can't see the problem, what the heck, be mad. We don't want you mad, but... that has to show you what we were up against.
We have always asked for suggestions, many good ones have been offered and implemented. But saying, I think it should be so... with no concrete experience or constructive solution . . .
The Algebraist said,"HOLY SHIT! They sold out in 7 minutes!!" It's scary...
I dreaded that 7 minutes. I saw it coming. I knew I could not do it. It is in the hands of our trusty (and able) sidekick 'RetailMan', our super-heroes at VapeNow.
Chebba says,"You have created a monster Tom". Yes, and it had to be tamed, more like 'chained or killed'. Maybe everybodu isn't happy, but it's not dead.
Finished cutting blocks from slabs for 100 bodies today. Got 32 heat exchangers done yesterday along with some other metalwork while it was drizzling. I guess most can see the economy of effort scenario. One shipping day, others devoted to maximum production, then have dinner and enjoy the evening. We watched some vids last night, that a fellow sent me months ago. What a nice evening.
Nobilo posts, "Can't wait for the secondary market to open up and see PD's on Ebay for a big markup. I'm certain this is just what Tom wanted..." Nobilo, we have never sold anything on E-bay, ever. What a wad.