S - I did my homework, ordered and received my PD on Friday evening last.
Congratulations! The PD is a uniquely durable/efficient vape that is a must have IMO for any vap collector.
S - Like everyone else it seems, my experience talking and e-mailing with Tom and Pam was impressive beyond measure. What a pleasure that, in this increasingly jaded world, people like them exist. I am a true child of the 60's when peace and love reined supreme and they are truly the embodiment of that ideal.
That is very kind (and I agree with every word). It must (at times) be tough to embody the ideals of 'peace and love' in this 'increasingly jaded world'. It is when your values are most tested that is most difficult and important, for it is there where such values are forged (forgotten author) Mad props! (a.k.a. Tom, you rock!

--inside joke...)
S - I hope to write a synopsis later this week when I have a bit more time and experience with it but suffice it to say that sometimes in our lives there comes along something that is a life changing event. Last night I knew this was one.
Can't wait to hear it. The PD may not be for everyone , but it
is definitely unique and and
is definitely for me.
S - Hope you don't mind if I climb on board.
Considering the polity, kindness, and insight you have displayed on your first post, I can confidently say, 'no, I don't mind at all.

Welcome aboard!
S - turned on to this Forum by my friend Spiral.

SA seems to be a good guy
B - Hey sterbo... I found something of myself in your post
Me too
S - I want to say that you guys are simply awesome. Like a lot of us, I've roamed through a lot of forums and the way you all present yourselves, the quality of your posts and the good vibes that are ever constant is really special.
Wow! Thanks...That means a lot--especially to the Creator (Vtac) and the mods I'd imagine. It really takes EVERYONE setting standards for posting, etc. (as well as Vtac/mods keeping up with the demands and growth of the site through structural/organizational changes, etc.)--IMO...(it tokes a village?

Toke it eazy (and, yes, toke it PD!)
edit: Tip - I recently saw someone who put tubing at the bottom of their glass upright which coiled around the inside with slits on the inside of the coil all throughout it (instead of the GonG down-stem it came with). I am not sure if cutting slits compromises the quality of the tubing, but feel comfortable since it is all submerged under water. Also, softer tubing that is pre-wettened is easier to guide into a coil with the slits facing the inside (feel free to visually approximate the coil while making the slits if you want this set-up--it would rock even if they didn't all face inwards, but...

). A spiral for spiralA's glass, maybe?

On a related note, I heard that MTV is coming out with a show called 'Pimp Your Vaporizer'--


- This could also be good for someone who is considering an inline, but is not sure if their performance is worth their cost (I can't try many that I see because they are all brown/black and...