Hi again Sticks,
I keep ahead on Cherry. It's the most popular (and my favorite). I try to keep units made up and packaged. Ready for boxing with all the other ingredients.
Our exotics are all turned, (got a wild hair, and lots of fun) and most are bored and tapped (giving away all the secrets).
Vapor tubes are all created one at a time. It's not that different than making vapes. Get the right material and transform it into something nice. I start with #5 PP 1/2" rod and stainless steel from a hypodermic needle maker.
I was mistaken earlier in calling the mouthpiece #5 PE (polyethylene), it is #5 PP (polypropylene), both are FDA approved, but the PP is much nicer (that frosted glass look) . Vapor Tubes are a bit labor intensive. So are units.
It's cool to make stuff.

Started when I was young.
Off track, sorry... How long ? All the material is in stock (unless we are out of a wood type, we update regularly, we won't sell something we don't have).
Glue up times (Bottom hatch and leather, FDA approved glue), temp testing and overnight 'run in' can lead to a 48-72 lead time with exotics and custom units (we do the same steps with cherry). Most international deals take another day or so... to set up (getting shipping costs and setting up a custom checkout link, probably several e-mails).
Here in the wilderness

http://purple-days.com/Come_Visit.html , the PO is closed on Saturday (and UPS doesn't come through town). So, M-F only for shipping.
Hope that answers your questions. Thanks for your interest.