Yes, Nebera, I know what the prelude (your episode, link provided for context) to Ed's comment was... If you have a mother, or a wife, a girlfriend, or a daughter and read Ed's comment, you
know why it (his comment) is disgusting. I'm sure he thought it was funny as hell, that his machismo would impress all 'the boys'. I am embarrassed by such a 'man', but I know they exist. Ashamed that a fellow forum member would say something like that here. But, it seems to get a pass. I guess I'm just an old guy who was brought up in the dark ages.
Yes, the Laser / Infra-Red thermometer is on it's way. I will try to be as accurate with my 'science' as possible. Trying to hold all the variables as steady as possible, so that any variation in results is wood related. Then gather enough data samples to make a meaningful analysis. These observations will obviously take some time.
Hope everyone enjoys the Memorial Day weekend and at some point remembers why it is a holiday.
We will be taking Sunday or Monday off, no computers, no PD Land. Probably going to be lounging in our luxurious 8' diameter swimming pool

Yes, eight feet round.

One of those impulse purchases at Big Lots. One of the best $35 purchases I have made, Pammy loves it and that makes me happy.
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