My PD Review:
My PD arrived on a Saturday. Inside the box:
- Walnut PD[/*]
- Power Adapter[/*]
- Car Adapter[/*]
- 2 Cloth Bags[/*]
- Rinse Bottle[/*]
- The Re-Seating Tool[/*]
- 3 Stems[/*]
- Brass Diffuser Cap[/*]
- Tin of Buzz Butter[/*]
- Documentation.[/*]
- ...and a cute postcard from Pam
I hope I didn't miss anything.
Ordering Process:
Wow, this is an example of wonderful customer service. Pam was so patient with me and my questions, changes and requests. Tom and Pammy understand the value of a satisfied customer. On the day of shipment I recieved an email with a tracking number (at the top of the email, thank you) I don't think I waited a day longer than 6 weeks, as planned. If I ever start my own business one day I'm going to do as good of a job as Purple-Days with customer relations and satisfaction.
The quality in the customer service caries through in the quality of the product. The workmanship on this vape is fabulous. If you pay close attention to spots like the seam where the bison hide meets the wood it shows skilled craftsmanship. The edge is even. There are no gaps, knicks, and the hide is properly flush with the edge with an slight but elegant bevel. No corners were cut. There is no rattling. It's a clean, gorgeous piece and has become one of my favorite devices I own. Thank you for the care and attention to detail Tom. It does not go unnoticed.
The biggest factor in choosing this vape was stealth. The PD has no decernable markings, and it has that diffuser cap, so its easy to turn it on, place some oils on it and now it has a legit reason for being on my desk. The PD looks classy against the surface on my desk.
Draw Technique:
After reading this thread I had a pretty good idea how-to change my draw technique from my MFLB and SSV. I have settled on taking light puffs drawing the vapor into my mouth, and then a quick inhale of air to bring it into my lungs, kinda like smoking a tobbacco pipe I guess. Sometimes I wonder if I'm wasting a bit of vapor because I can see it escaping, but after I see the effects of usage and the amount of material vaped...I'm not all that concerned anymore.
My loading technique is sometimes the straw technique, and sometimes the 'stab the pill bottle' technique. I havent tried Toms method of grabbing a pinch with my fingers and loading it by hand. NYCDiesel's suggestions have helped a lot, thx
Airflow is definitely less than the SSV, but greater than the MFLB. The clouds are huge, and milky. I couldn't be happier in that regard.
The most important part of the vaping experience for me is ease. i want to relax when i vape. The MFLB is work. Shaking and monitoring battery times. It's easy to pick up but it's not enjoyable like a rolled dutch cigarette or the SSV. The PD on the other hand is a very relaxing experience. i just plug it in, load the tube, and puff away

The surface is always pleasantly warm. The surface is that beautifully dark walnut color. I just love it
The PD cooks the material a golden brown. I could probably take a few more puffs from each load and I have I'm pretty confident it'll never combust based on the info and experiences in this thread, but, I think golden brown is simply good enough for me. I feel satisfied from half a stem, but I sometimes finish it off anyways. Cleaner that way I guess. I used to vape alot more for alot longer in my SSV and I used to get the same effects. The MFLB 'could' beat the PD with efficiency but loses out in every other regard aside from 1, portability and size.
In the interest of being impartial, I should talk about the challenges too. The stem mates with the heat exchanger a lil loose, which in-of-itself is not an issue except when and my lips were dry and the tube came out spilling a most of my fresh ground up load all over my lap. That was a bummer. I don't know if this would have been any different if the stem fit more snuggly, but I figured I'd mention it. That's probably my only complaint. I thought the plastic stem would bother me, but it doesn't at all.
My favorite benefits are probably unique and a bit embarrassing

I'm not terribly organized, so the 30 min warm up time is good for me, it forces me to be patient and plan. Also, don't have alot've self-control, and once I turn the PD off for a while i know I have to wait another 30 mins before I can start again. The PD forces me to wait and second-guess that impulsive urge to 'top off' the evening with another session. Some might find this annoying, i chalk it up as a nice way to keep my tolerance down and my cash in my pocket.
Overall, i love this vape and I am so glad I wandered into this thread and decided to purchase one.
Thanks again to Tom, Pammy and all of you who contributed to this wonderful resource. the reguklars like stickstones, Iwien, NYCDiesel, Spiral and JeffP have really helped me learn my PD and get thru the waiting period. Thanks again