I enjoy making them folks, thank you.
There is (always) a lot of pressure to hurry, but some days you have to ignore it, concentrate on doing what you enjoy and doing it right.
3-20 . . .
One month till the 4-20 Annual Purple-Days giveaway.
You have until 4:20 MST on 4-20-2011 to get your picture post card in.
How many Stainless Steel P-D vapor tips ?
Open to Purple-Days Diffusers' customers (you bought our product through
www.Purple-Days.com or
www.Vapenow.com only or, have a unit on order, only). Enter our annual Holiday Contest (around Thanksgiving) if you are not eligible for this one.
Contest ends 4-20-2011 at 4:20 Mountain Time. Entries received after that date will not be considered. Compliance with rules is mandatory and I will be the sole judge of your compliance*. Nothing tricky just read and follow the rules.
Send a picture post card to:
P.O. Box 2069
El Mirage, AZ 85335
1. Post card must be a picture* post card.
2. Line 1- You must print your FC username*, confidential, we will show the winning post card and you can say you won, or not, up to you. All prizes will be awarded this way. You will know your own card and guess and can remain ambivalent (haha, can't spell annonymous, obviously...).
3. Line 2- print "420 Contest" *
3. Line 3- In large clear numbers, print your guess, and circle* it.
4. Lines 4+ - Your name* and address* and e-mail* (all confidential and used for no other purpose)
5. Optional, include a note to the PD crew.
6. One entry per person.
7. Post your guess and you are disqualified.
8. Don't ask if we got your post card, I will not respond.
9. If you don't like the rules

, don't participate.
Person coming closest to the actual number, and following all rules, wins. In the event of duplicate guesses there will be a drawing from the proverbial bag. We will announce the winner right here when we confirm a compliant* winner.
Same basic rules as last time. King of the Heap rules too.
What's the prize?
Several prizes (at least), to be announced. Nice stuff, Purple-Days related. That's why this contest is for PD owners and also a gesture of thanks.
We hope everyone has a safe and happy Spring season and enjoys the 2011 Purple-Days 4-20 Contest .

from Tom and Pammy
Send a card and see if you win.
Stay tuned for pics of interesting and winning postcards.