There is one good item from Radio Shack that will help out.
Usually the plug end gets broken or the wire very near the plug end. And that is easily replaced.
(power supply failure is very rare).
Plug your wall power supply into a known working outlet. Let it alone for 30 minutes then check the wall power supply box (wall wart / transformer) with the back of your hand. Slightly warm? Then the power supply is functioning and you have a broken cord or plug.
Unplug and cut back a few inches from the plug, bare the wires and solder a new end on in place of the broken one.
Our Pandora Kit page has a soldering video with a couple of tips on soldering (about 2:30 in). It's easy and a good skill to have. For the cost of a new power supply (and shipping) you can buy a soldering iron, solder and two plug ends. And have a new skill and a new tool...
And yes, has the original equipment power supply. Part# 10081 . We carry them too, but have to pay double shipping (to us, to you) so you might save a couple bucks buying from Jameco.