Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
I have been pondering this, but haven't much time as you say. Most improvements lately have been in the shop, working toward consistency and better/faster manufacturing methods. The tools I use to work the tubing are rated for titanium... hmmm wonder what that would cost???


Meanwhile, just to get the discussion back into the realm of fun, last night I was so very fortunate to try two amazing strains - "chem dawg" and "ny diesel."
So interesting just to look at the differences between the strains - almost different plants if you look very closely.
What I fully grokked last night is that it's not just about the intensity, it's about the quality of the high - these exotic strains provide a head that's very trippy and illuminated,
clean and uplifting. At the same time incredibly potent, top floor on the elevator material.


Well-Known Member
jeffp said:
Meanwhile, just to get the discussion back into the realm of fun, last night I was so very fortunate to try two amazing strains - "chem dawg" and "ny diesel."
So interesting just to look at the differences between the strains - almost different plants if you look very closely.
What I fully grokked last night is that it's not just about the intensity, it's about the quality of the high - these exotic strains provide a head that's very trippy and illuminated,
clean and uplifting. At the same time incredibly potent, top floor on the elevator material.
Now try mixing the two in equal parts in a salad...............just for something a tad different.


Well-Known Member
Purple-Days said:
I have been pondering this, but haven't much time as you say. Most improvements lately have been in the shop, working toward consistency and better/faster manufacturing methods. The tools I use to work the tubing are rated for titanium... hmmm wonder what that would cost???
I don't think Ti would be as good has the stainless for heat retention, it is known as a poor conductor of heat. Another thought would be to use Aluminum or Stainless and coat it with a Titanium Nitride coating and seal the chamber away from all foreign elements. Maybe enclose your heat exchanger in a chamber like the one in the picture of the Phantom Vaporizer.


I am the Vapor King--I can do anything
I've decided on getting a PD over a DBV. I read up that a week or so ago 30 PDs were sent to vapenow.com. I was wondering when a next batch might be available for purchase. Not trying to be a nag, just the fact of having to wait so long kind of scares me. Thanks


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
Deadhead101 said:
I've decided on getting a PD over a DBV. I read up that a week or so ago 30 PDs were sent to vapenow.com. I was wondering when a next batch might be available for purchase. Not trying to be a nag, just the fact of having to wait so long kind of scares me. Thanks
You could also order a Pandora kit directly from Tom. That way you can have the satisfaction of using something you put together for yourself.
Nice and well put together instructions....
Tis a bit cheaper than the original PD, and does not come with a warranty.... but is also another option besides going with an original. Dunno how vapenow is going to do the new sales, so cannot answer that question for you.


I am the Vapor King--I can do anything
I was thinking about the pandora kit. Honestly I'm not sure if I'm capable, being a highschool student with my only training being a joke tech-Ed class. I'm even more hesitant because if I were to assemble it, I feel I would need the warranty that much more. I'd also need to get a soldering iron. I can't imagine it's too hard to assemble. Definitely something I'll consider.


Well-Known Member
Please graduate from school and turn 18 first. :2c:

Edit: VVV Great that you are 18, still study hard, even if it's things that you don't study in school or things that seem hard and pointless. It stretches your mind. Expand while you can. Old minds are still plastic, but not nearly so as when they were young. Enjoy the fun (first time) things with a clear mind. :2c:


I am the Vapor King--I can do anything
No worries. I've turned18. I'm aware that you must be 18 to purchase or own one of these. I should have clarified before.


Well-Known Member
New Bub works perfect with the PD. Sheldon Black Bub with a 6-Arm (2 Slits each) Luke Wilson removable downstem.



Nice bub hereatlast! I recently picked up a SYN mini circ bub that works great with the PD.

wolf torn

Well-Known Member
I'm ready to pull the trigger on the purple days

have the LB for travel, the EQ for big party hits

and now I need the Purple days for home everyday conservation

gonna get a new smaller bong for it as well

now....when are these going to be back in stock...hmmm
wolf torn,


Well-Known Member
Nice jimbo! is that a recessed joint on there or what? I like that look of yours as well, I think we're both in the right size range. ;) This Sheldon Black bub is the smallest piece I've had and it just purrs with the PD, the small volume allows for a nice milk as well; the Luke Wilson trees are flawless from what I can tell. I'm waiting on a Vertigo custom circ. for use with the PD as well, I'll post up when it gets here.


Having conducted a series of home experiments I have concluded that the best poky stick and perhaps the best stage one method of removing stubborn ABV from the tubes is using a wood toothpick; lightly scraping along the screen. It's soft enough to afford you control so you won't puncture or dislodge the screen, which means less trips to the ISO bottle.


Jeffp, I concur with your toothpick recommendation.

Jimbo, that bub is sick. :ninja: Could it be the perfect PD glass?


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all, my brother is having trouble getting good hits off his PD. He thinks it's the stems because my other brother's stems work just fine. So I checked out his stems and they're not clogged ... I can see right through them (through each hole in the screen). I haves some fresh screens, so thought I might put them in for him but I don't know how to get the old ones out ... suggestions?



hereatlast said:
Nice jimbo! is that a recessed joint on there or what? I like that look of yours as well, I think we're both in the right size range. ;) This Sheldon Black bub is the smallest piece I've had and it just purrs with the PD, the small volume allows for a nice milk as well; the Luke Wilson trees are flawless from what I can tell. I'm waiting on a Vertigo custom circ. for use with the PD as well, I'll post up when it gets here.
Yup, its a recessed joint, looking forward to seeing pics of your Vertigo circ, been eye balling a couple Migrant and Hitman triple discs at ALT, guess I better start saving :D

Jimbo, that bub is sick. Could it be the perfect PD glass?
Thanx Ash! Don't know about perfect buts its a hell of alot of fun to vape through! :lol:


Melizzard, I highly doubt it is the screens. If it was, it would be more noticable in just one stem. If you are convinced that's the problem, though, just try an overnight soak in ISO. My PD has been getting very regular use for 10 months and the screens still look new (and draw like new).

My guess is that the pack is too tight. I'd tell your bro to grind a bit less fine and not to compress the material. :2c:


Well-Known Member
Melizzard, are the hits not up to par in the amount of vapor they produce or the airflow the PD allows? I think Ash is right about the tight pack if its an airflow issue, otherwise it might be a question of product?

I haven't put really high quality through the PD in a couple weeks, what I've got is fine but pales in comparison to the real good stuff, the PD is made for top-shelf IMO. :D

wolf torn

Well-Known Member
Alright guys now I have the LB and the EQ hooked up to big ice/water bong.

I'm thinking the Purple days will take over the EQ spot as the daily home user. Need something more efficient.

Now I already have a big bong for the EQ and want to get a small piece for the purple days.

What do you think should I get a bubbler or smaller bong ?

And when ordering a bubbler how did you guys know it would fit?
wolf torn,


Well-Known Member
lowfront said:
What do you think should I get a bubbler or smaller bong ?

And when ordering a bubbler how did you guys know it would fit?
I'm pretty sure that smaller volume is easier to control, so I recommend a bubbler or very tiny bong. Which you get depends on your style and preference. If you can afford it, get one of each and see which you like better.

As to fit, a 14mm glass-on-glass joint fits perfectly. That means you can either get a piece with a small fitting and a regular downstem or you can get a large fitting and a recessed downstem--the latter of which allows you to use a larger connector and should give you more versatility if you decide to make any additions or modifications.

wolf torn

Well-Known Member
I have to order online

can someone point me in the direction for a decent bubbler

can't seem to find anything special on everydoseit or grasscity

not gonna spend more then 100

would rather spend around 50 or 60

and if i should spend more than 100 show me why cause i might
wolf torn,
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