Skunkypete said:
PD pics time Mine will soon be hitting it's one year anniversary. Big thanks to Pam and Tom.
Could we get those just a little bigger?

Seriously, guys, preview your pics before you post. That's just a little too big to even be flattering. It's like a too close up of someone's face, where you can count the pores.
Ash said:
Sorry, but I just can't let this one go. I find some of the "made in China" derision on FC to be close to the line, but this comment is clearly over it. The distinction I'm going to make is that saying vapes made in China are inferior is one thing. saying that the Chinese who make them are inferior is another. The first comment may be an unfair generalization, but the second is just bigotry. moreandrew, your comment falls squarely in the latter category.
This forum has members of all different ethnicities and from all over the world. This diversity is one of things I really enjoy when I'm reading here. I think comments like this one from moreandrew are a threat to that diversity. Comments like this also just lower the overall quality of discourse.
Note: In case I was not clear, I don't see anyone in FC trashing Chinese people and I understand there are serious quality issues and intellectual property issues (theft) with many products made in China. Though, I think these issues can largely be overcome if a manufacturer owns their own facility and has strict quality control procedures (see: DBV).
The copycat vapes made in Chinese factories, where they slap different names on the same units (to suit various distributors), and provide no warranties, deserve derision IMO. With unnecessary and inaccurate digital controls that just serve to compromise realibility and confuse users about vaping temps, they do a disservice to the vaporizer industry. Granted, some hold up and provide acceptable performance. The ones that die a quick death (some even DOA), or don't give decent performance, just make those buyers think that you have to pay $300-500+ to get a decent vape, or even worse, that vaporization is over rated.
There's a world of difference between these no name generic companies, and companies who produce products in China or any other cheap labor country, but use quality parts, practice good QC, and provide a solid warranty. I've never been very kind to Vapir products either, and I don't even know where they're made. I just know the company has a history of poor reliability, uses digital displays on their units (which compromises reliability), and only provides a 90 day warranty. It's a 'cross your fingers and hope it holds up' brand, just like the generic Chinese vapes. It doesn't matter where a product is made. It's about the production quality and QC, and the company's willingness to stand behind the product.
As for reporting bigoted posts, I'm pretty sure we don't have a rule against that, and that's what the 'report post' button is for. It's fair to call a post bigoted, if you think it fits the definition, just don't call the member a bigot. That would be flaming/name calling.
moreandrew said:
for an extra fee, is there any possibility I might get any variation on my model's make? I love the look of the Cherry but I have seen so many stunning pieces made of darker woods
I can't speak for Tom, but I'm sure you've heard of Pandora's Box. If Tom were to say 'sure, for x amount more, you can get a different wood', he'd be flooded with requests for various woods, most of which probably wouldn't be suitable for a PD. Dark woods in particular usually have a higher density than is appropritate for a vape. Even if he only accepted orders for dark walnut, it would create problems, aside from the inventory/stocking issue. #1, he'd either be accepting orders via email (which he doesn't want to do-thus the Vapenow order connection), or there would be another choice on Vapenow's site, for wood type. Then you'd have the same order problem that exists if you have a preference for bottom leather. Even with notification from Vapenow about orders with purple or black bottoms, someone's delivery is always delayed now or then, if a specific bottom color is desired. I think you just have to acknowledge that there's a conflict between production levels (and just making day to day life easier and less stressful), and selection. If demand were a lot less, it may be that Tom and Pam would be OK with not only custom orders, but dealing directly with customers as far as purchasing a PD. That's the way it was originally. But for them, I think it's become a choice between trying to meet demand (which maximizes both supply for buyers and profit for them), and satisfying every customer's desire for a PD made just the way they want it, which is hard on them in multiple areas. Tom, feel free to correct me if I'm off base or over simplifying.